Samantar Season 2 Episode 4 Story Explanation

Samantar Season 2 Episode 4 Story Explanation – “Remarkable Plummet”

Samantar TV Series

Kumar wife Neema is looking worry to think about, her husband. How a man can see his future?So here To know the story ahead read Samantar Season 2 Episode 4 Story Explanation. Moreover click here to check Samantar Season 1 review. Here you can check Samantar Season 2 Episode 1 Episode 2& Episode 3.

Now we see in story, that Kumar is thinking about Meera, and he’s in his office. Meanwhile Meera give him a lift in her car. When she reach in Kumar house, then Kumar offered a coffee to her, Moreover at the same time Meera received a call from her husband – Did you go there to submit a file or to sleep with someone? Then she goes from there.

Kumar wife Neema is continously calling him, but he’s not answering her call.

  • In the next scene we see Meera again in Kumar house. Where she’s saying to him – I gave you a lift yesterday, So give me a lift today, because Mr. Baviskar asked her to go with Kumar for Baviskar project related site visit.
  • Here Kumar tried to tells her – That he received some picture, but then he stop to tell anything to her.

Moreover now Guru ji is making a call to Neema and tells her –If one acts quickly at the right time, one can prevent fate from dictating the circumstances. Then Neema ask Guruji that what he want to say? Guru ji answer her – The time has came, leave for Panhala immediately.

Samantar Season 2 Episode 4 Story Explanation

  • In the next scene Kumar read Chakrapani ‘s diary again where Kumar see – That Chakrapani  were together all night with Sundari. After that Kumar get surprise, and look worry, if the same things will happens with him, how will he deal. Meanwhile Kumar saw, Meera is calling him.
  • When Kumar received her call Meera tells – Mr.Baviskar has fallen very sick, he’s struggling to breathe, and no one is here, please come here, and bring some medicine for him.

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