Cold Case Movie Review & Story Explanation

“Cold Case” Movie Review & Story Explanation – Searing Way Of Daring

Cold case Movie

Cold Case is a 2021 Indian Malayalam-language supernatural horror thriller film. So  It released on 30 June 2021 on Amazon Prime Video. Moreover supporting cast is Prithviraj Sukumaran and Aditi Balan. Here you can watch Cold Case Movie Review & Story Explanation.

  • In the starting of this movie we see an Occulist, is exorcisting. One lady who’s sitting next to Occulist baba, her husband has died and now his soul is wandering in lady’s child body. So now her child is telling them, who killed him. After that this news got viral on TV, how one ghost tells his murder story.
  • Medha is a journalist, and now she’s watching this news on her office. Medha wants to divorce from her husband Ajay, and she have a six year old baby girl and her name is Chinu.
  • In the next scene we saw, a fishman found a skull skelton in a river, then this case handoverd to inspector Satyajeet. Now he send the skull in, forensic lab. So forensic doctor tells to Satyajeet about Skull – she was a women, in between 25 to 30age. May this death occured in between september to october 2019. Now Inspector Satyajeet and his team is searching missing girls list in last two year.
  • Finally they find 37 girls list, now they’re matching their face with the skull, in computer. But no ones face is matching with the skull.
  • So then they decide to reconstruct digitally the face with the skull, but it’ll take some time.
  • In the next scene Medha shifted in her new house. Chinu have a little doll, which has gifted by Medha’s sister to Chinu. Now Medha notice shock of Hair, in her kitchen sink, meanwhile a dog start to bark to see her.

“Some Super-Natural Power”

  • At the night, when Chinu and Medha slept in her bedroom, Chinu observed some water in the floor. Then Medha wake up, and she find her maid in front of her, now Medha asked her – What you’re doing here? Then Maid answer – When she slept, she felt someone is dropping a waterdroplets in her face.
  • In the skull they find a transplant teeth, now Satyajeet sending their all team in city’s all dental clinic, and preparing a list who transplant that pattern of teeth.
  • Now they’re making a contact, from the list. But one number is switch off, so Inspector Satyajeet searched details through that number, and he get her all details, her name was Eva Maria. Now he matched Eva-Maria’s face with the skull in digitally and it has matched.
  • Medha is now sure that some supernatural powers she’s observing in her home. So she take help of Zara, she’s blind & she have a device and through this she can talk with the spirit. Moreover the Spirit is wandering in Medha’s house, it was Eva-Maria’s spirit.
  • Zara says to Medha – That Eva-Maria’s spirit wants to complete her unfinished work with the help of Medha. Altogether Eva-Maria’s spirit lived in Medha’s freeze. After that Medha start to investigate the case from her side.
  • In the next scene, Inspector Satyajeet get Eva-Maria’s call details, and they get the location at april 2020. But according to forensic doctor, she died in September to october 2019.
  • After Medha’s investigation she find Eva-Maria wants to divorce from her husband , and her husband name is Darshan-Dev. Furthermore Darshan-Dev is Medha’s channel head.

“Cold Case” Movie Review & Story Explanation

  • Here Inspector Satyajeet is know about Eva-Maria’s marriage life and he goes to meet Darshan-Dev. Darshan is saying – When he was in relationship with Eva, he borrowed some money from Eva, to start his new company. So with the help of Roshni’s father, he payed Eva’s all money. After that he get marry to Roshni.
  • Meanwhile Satyajeet received a call, from his team mates, that they find a girls hand, which is simmilar to Satyajeet case. After forensic report this hand was of Eva’s and they notice some hairs in her hand.
  • Now Satyajeet goes to Eva’s hostel, where her warden tells him – One day Eva, went from here, but she didn’t tell anyone, but after some day Warden received a message from Eva, that she’ll never come there, because she’s going in relegious journey. An additionally Warden said, one more girl has came here right now to know about Eva.
  • Then Inspector Satyajeet see some picture of Eva’s at Varanasi on 12april 2020. Now Satyajeet understood, that killer was accessing Eva-Maria’s phone.
  • So Satyajeet is investigating the list of passanger who returned from Varanasi to Kerala on 13 april. In the same bus Satyajeet uncle travelled. when Satyajeet asked his uncle about Eva, then he told yes, he talked with her for a long, when Satyajeet show him Eva’s image then his uncle deny no she’s not Eva, she’s different from this pic. That mean killer was using Eva’s identity.

Cold Case Movie Review & Story Explanation

Who’s Killer?

Satyajeet is now going to meet Medha and asking her why you’re investigating Eva’s case. Then Medha told him, full story from the begining. Meanwhile, Satyajeet received a call from his uncle and he send a image to Satyajeet phone, and saying this is Eva, who travelled with him. Now Satyajeet is showing this image to Medha, and after see her image she get socked because she was Medha’s lawyer Harita, who handle Medha’s divorce case.

  • When Eva meet to Harita for her divorce case, Harita know everything that Eva have a 2.5crore Rs, which has given by Eva’s husband Darshan to her. Because Harita need some money, for her father’s client deal. So she killed Eva-Maria, and cut her body piece, and stored in the same freeze, which freeze is using by Medha.

After that when Harita get aware, that Medha is investigating Eva’s story, then Harita goes to Medha house, to remove all evidence. Here Harita, observe the same freeze, in Medha’s house , and freeze is shaking. After some time Harita notice, freeze is bleeding.

Next day this news is coming on channel that lawyer Harita has died after freeze exploded. And here Cold Case Movie ended.

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