The film is based on a real-life historic court case. Where the film revolves around Karsandas Mulji. He’s a journalist and social reformer who fights against the Maharaj Libel Case in 1862. Here’s Maharaj Movie Story Summary Review Ending Explanation –
The Story begin with Karsandas Mulji. Who was born into a Gujarati family and was never afraid to question societal rituals. Thereafter his mother’s died. So he was sent to live with his maternal family in Bombay. Where he studied journalism. Mulji began his career as a journalist in 1851 with his contributions to Rast Goftar, Dadabhai Naoroji’s newspaper.
In the other scene we see, jadunathji Brijratanji Maharaj, also known as JJ. He was a religious leader who exploited his female followers under the guise of religious rituals. Moreover He is charismatic and powerful, with a beatific smile that makes his actions even more sinister.
Kishori was engaged to Karsandas Mulji. After that Kishori was chosen by Jadunath Maharaj for the Charan Seva ritual. Which was a pretext for sexual exploitation. So she was asked to serve the priest. Which meant devoting herself and having intercourse with him. Altogether she realized Maharaj’s real character, She felt guilty and ashamed. Because of this her relationship with Karsandas became strained. After that Kishori committed suicide, leaving a letter for Karsandas. In the letter, she apologized for her actions and asked him to raise his voice against the ritual and remove it from society.
Maharaj Movie Story Summary Review Ending Explanation
Kishori’s death and her letter motivated Karsandas to take action against Jadunath Maharaj. So he began his own newspaper in 1855. Which addressed societal problems boldly and called out outdated practices. Furthermore he wrote articles exposing the truth about the Charan Seva ritual of jj Maharaj. After that In 1862, Jadunath Maharaj, filed a defamation case of Rs 50,000 at the Bombay High Court against Mulji. Because for accused Jadunath Maharaj of sexual misconduct.
The court case, known as the Maharaj Libel Case of 1862. The trial was quite publicized and attracted a lot of attention. Meanwhile Leelavati who was involved with Charan Seva in the past. So she is a key witness in the case against Maharaj. Moreover JJ’s personal physician, Bhau Daji, testified against him. They’re revealing that he had syphilis due to his relationships with multiple women. After that the court ruled in favor of Karsandas Mulji. JJ Maharj was ordered to pay Rs. 11,500 as compensation.
The film has received a rating of 3.5 out of 5 stars. Maharaj has received mixed reactions from netizens and is currently trending at number 1 on Netflix in India.

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