Samantar Season 2 Episode 5 Story Explanation

Samantar Season 2 Episode 5 Story Explanation – “Remarkable Plummet”

Samantar TV Series

Click here to check Samantar S2 Episode 4. Kumar is looking worry, because he’s scaring from, if he struggle the same situation like Chakrapani, then how will he deal with the situation. After that, he received a call from Meera, where she’s asking him to come in their house. Because her husband has fallen very sick, and she’s alone. To know the story ahead read Samantar Season 2 Episode 5 Story Explanation. Moreover click here to check Samantar Season 1 review. 

Now Kumar wife Neema is fighting with her father, because her father is denying her to go with Kumar. Neema’s father don’t like Kumar, and he’s sure that Kumar is betraying his daughter. But Neema is replying – When I look into Kumar eyes, all I see is honesty and love. Then Neema leave to Panhala.

In the next scene Kumar is taking some medicine, and reach in Bhaviskar house. Here Kumar notice, that Bhaviskar behaviour is very cruel towards Meera. When Kumar asked her why you’re living with this man? Then Meera cried and try to kiss Kumar, here they both intimated .

Next morning when Kumar reached in his house, he felt very bad to think about for yesterday night. After that Kumar’s wife Neema came there, and she hug him. Now she’s saying –I am thinking of moving here with you. Beacuse You’re here, and I am there in Mumbai. And I’ll look a job for here.

Samantar Season 2 Episode 5 Story Explanation

  • Meanwhile some police officer comes there and start to ask Kumar – Where was he yesterday?
  • Kumar reply that he was with their client house Pratap Baviskar. Then Police said – Pratap Baviskar died mysteriously at his house. Then Police take Kumar with him for interogation.
  • Furthermore police took him behind the bar.

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