Special Ops 1.5 Episode 2 Story Explanation In English The Himmat Story

Special Ops 1.5 Episode 2 Story Explanation In English The Himmat Story –

Special Ops TV Series

Check here Special Ops Episode 1 Explanation In English. After that you can understand Special Ops 1.5 Episode 2 Story Explanation In English The Himmat Story. Moreover here you’ll get another movies video explanation.

Abbas is telling Himmat story and flashback story is running-

  • Himmat has invited in Vijay house, and there Himmat met to Saroj. Saroj was Himmat wife in Season 1, but how and what was the reason that now Saroj is Vijay wife? It will disclose later in next episode –
  • They were talking with each other meanwhile Himmat received a call from Abbas -Where Abbas informed him, that he has found a man, who makes fake passport.

When Himmat reaches there, and they knew,this man had made Maninder’s fake passport. Now Himmat knows that Maninder is in London. But why he went London? Abbas tells next story –

Abbas is telling next story of Navy officer commodore Chintamani’s Sharma. This story belongs 3months ago of Maninder incident. Chintamani arrived Moscow to supervise refitting. There he meets to Natasha, and she’ll be his local translater. Chintamani fallen love with Natasha, and they intimated. When Chintamani arrived India, Natasha called him, and tells she is pregnant. Later on it disclose Natasha was working as a secret agent, and Chintamani was unaware from this. There after Natasha started to blackmail him, after sent their private pictures.

Next day Himmat and Vijay learnt a new development that Chintamani lied to everyone yesterday and left for London. But his official statement was that his mom is sick and he’s travelling to Kanpur.

Special Ops 1.5 Episode 2 Story Explanation In English The Himmat Story

  • Now RAW started to investigate, and they get many lead like Karishma was in Colombo, Chintamani and Maninder was in London. During Investigation here they find a new name Sankalp Chaudhry. He was the mastermind of real game, Moreover Karishma and Maninder was working for Sankalp. Vijay decided to go Colombo to grab Karishma. And Himmat decided to get Maninder.
  • While Himmat leaving he met a politician, she was telling about her son Avinash -Avinash went to the Bahmas with his friend for a vacation, and there he met a chinese girl. She told further -her politics party strongly condemning chinese trade policies. So right before the election, if her son is seen with a chinese woman, then her goverment will crumble before it’s formed. And this scandal is enough to end Avinash’s political career. Now Himmat saw Avinash some picture and in one picture he find Karishma’s glimp.
  • In London Natasha met to Chintamani, she grabbed india’s secret information from him. After that when she saw Maninder, they start to fought. Meanwhile Maninder killed her.
  • Now Himmat had arrived at London, he asked Chintamani what he gave Natasha. Chintamani didn’t tells anything and he locked himself in a bathroom and there he finished his life.

Next side Vijay took Karishma in a gun point, and here he know that Karishma was already aware, that RAW agent’s was coming to search them. Furthermore she know many information about RAW. In London, Maninder came in front of Himmat and he take Himmat in gun point.

And The Episode 2 Ends Here.

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