Scam 1992: The Harshad Mehta Story Season 01 Episode 07 Story

Scam 1992: The Harshad Mehta Story Season 01 Episode 07 Story Explanation In English

Scam 1992 TV Series

At the end of Episode 06 we have seen that Sucheta print the news about Harshad 500crore scam. But someone changed the news headline and they didn’t mentioned Harshad name directly. So now how Harshad will react? Then how Harshad will face all the probleam? To know all about that read Scam 1992: The Harshad Mehta Story Season 01 Episode 07 Story Explanation.

Scam 1992: The Harshad Mehta Story Season 01 Episode 07 Story Explanation

“Dalal Stree Ka Dariya”

  • In the first scene of Episode Harshad is giving an interview and talking with public – The journalist are not taking my name directly.But they just write “Big Bull” well everyone know i am the Big Bull.
  • The truth is that the newspapers have no proof. That’s why they aren’t taking my name openly. Because there’s no truth in what they’re saying. I took 500 crores from SBI, Yes! It’s true, i did but i also returned it.

Here in the next scene RBI governer S.Venkitaramanan is saying to their staff – Use your source with every bank, and conduct a rough audit. Find out how far this garbage has spread and then we will know the extent of this scam.

Scam 1992: The Harshad Mehta Story Season 01 Episode 07 Story

“Debashish Conversation With Sucheta” Scam 1992: The Harshad Mehta Story Season 01 Episode 07 Story

  • Debashish –I think we rushed the story.
  • Sucheta – We? Why we? You can blame me directly.
  • Debashish – I’m not blaming you, Sucheta. If we had invetigated more, researched a bit more, then we could have found someone who was willing to go on ricord .
  • Sucheta – Debashish i work for a daily newspaper. I don’t work for a magazine, like you that i can sit back and think because i have a few weeks.

Sucheta – Finally the market opened, I still had no paper evidence against Harshad. But he had gone ahead and admitted that the article was about him. He was trying to downplay his probleam with SBI, in the hope that markets would not react But it seemed that the people had lost trust in Harshad. It was free fall for the shares in which Growmore was investing, it doesn’t hold at 4000, it will drop further.

RBI governer S.Venkitaramanan Find a Scam” Scam 1992: The Harshad Mehta Story Season 01 Episode 07 Story Explanation.

S.Venkitaramanan – Our estimates were right. My team has just come back after the preliminary enquiries and yes, it’s India biggest financial scam five thousands crores. Now only way to handle this is to make it public print this news.

  • Sucheta tells to Debashish – Did you find anyone?
  • Debashish – I didn’t. But News Press did. According to the sources, the extent of scam is expected to be in the region of RS-2000crores and they suspect that the remaining 3000crores gap, is probably caused by banks including certain securities. In their report that may not be part of SGL records.
  • Sucheta – But where is News Press getting these details? I’ve spoken to a hundred people in the last ten days and no one’s even uttered a word.
  • Debashish – They may have some confidential sources.
  • Sucheta – I think it’s a major source. Someone in the system and very senior.

Now RBI has formed a commitee to investigate the scam. It’ll be headed by RBI deputy governer R.Jankiraman. The goverment has agreed to hand over the investigation to the CBI and it will headed by a top ranker officers.

And The Episodes Ends Here.

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