November Story Season 1 Episode 4 Story Explanation In English

“November Story” Season 1 Episode 4 Story Explanation In English – You’ll Get Here An Amazing Way Of Thriller.

November Story TV Series

At the end of November Story Season 1 Episode 3 we have seen that inspector is now sure about Ganesan, that he killed Savitri. Moreover we see other murder case, in story. But who’s actual killer? and had Ganesan really killed Savitri? How will Anu help Ganesan to keep stay him from all this evidence? To know more about the show read November Story Season 1 Episode 4 Story Explanation In English.  Moreover click here to check reviews of November Story Tv-Series.

November Story Season 1 Episode 4 Story Explanation In English

Now we see story turns in Past, where the boy is now studying of medical. Moreover he’s the topper of his class and college.

Now Story turns in present –

  • Ganesan is shouting loudly, because his pen is missing from his desk, and he always write Novel from same pen.
  • Now Anu comes there and said – I have a crime story for you dad, but I need your help to complete that. Then Anu told all story of Savitri’s murder case to her dad, to find actual killer. She told all story to her father, and saying police is suspecting on two person. 1st who killed Savitri, and 2nd who tried to remove all evidence.
  • Moreover police is thinking the murderer, mental health is not good.
  • Ganesan is replying to Anu – I think the killer is victim’s daughter. But Anu is saying victim’s daughter brain is paralyzed from one side, so without someone help she can’t do anything like this.

In the next scene asistent commisioner is pressurising inspector Sudalai, to arrest Ganesan. Because all evidence is insinuating Ganesan. But Sudalai wants to confirm more, so he’s taking some time.

  • Now inspector Sudalai recieved one more image of other victime. Sudalai notice same sign of prickle in his body, and he’s thinking this all has done by a psychopath man. Moreover the Victim is Ahemad, and he killed by Yesu.
  • When Sudalai reached in post morterm hall, he saw Ahemad body. Then he think, Savitri’s murder case will deffenitely linked from this case. Beacuse of the same sign in both body’s.

Savitri’s Murder Connection With Ahemad

In the next side Dr. Paran, is matching Ahemad fingerprints with Savitri, and it matched. So now Inspector Sudalai is confirm that three rapist is involved in Savitri’s murder case.

  • Anu is not going to her office since from many days, because of all this trouble. So she called in her office and talk to Raghu, he’s expert in CCTV hack. She said I’ll finish your all coding work in office, but for that you have to hack a CCTV photages for me.
  • Now Anu said Raghu to hack that crime branch CCTV, which have currupted in starting by some other hacker. Then Raghu find, that Hacker hacked a FIR file, and now he successfully hacked the CCTV photages and then they see the face of that hacker.
  • Now Anu said Raghu to hack that railway station CCTV, in which station Savitri stopped with Mathi. Then Anu find Savitri & Mathi is going with four guy in a car.

In the next scene Sandeep & Binod got this news that Yesu killed Ahemad. So Sandeep is scaring, and thinking they did huge mistake to take Mathi with us. Then Sandeep callled Yesu and said – We did a mistake to kidnapped Mathi, So now we’re returning her, and we’re ready to do anything that you like.

And The Episode 4 Ends Here.

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