November Story Season 1 Episode 5 Story Explanation In English

“November Story” Season 1 Episode 5 Story Explanation In English – You’ll Get Here An Amazing Way Of Thriller.

November Story TV Series

At the end of November Story Season 1 Episode 4 we have seen that Anu finally find the hacker face. Moreover police got one more link from this case, that all three rapist is linked with Savitri’s murder case. Why those three guy kidnapped Mathi? Furthermore what is Yesu connection with Mathi? To know more about the show read November Story Season 1 Episode 5 Story Explanation In English. Moreover click here to check reviews of November Story Tv-Series.

November Story Season 1 Episode 5 Story Explanation In English

We see story in Past where the same boy, has completed his medical study. Now he’s doing his internship, where he got a work of post morterm. But his hand is trembling.

Now Story turn in present –

  • Now Anu goes to her office and decide to finsih all work of office.
  • Malar is informing Anu that one folder, have hacked, but year is not confirm, in which year of folder he hacked. Then Anu see the face of hacker, and she memorised this guy is same who was with 3 more guy and Savitri.
  • Then Anu scaned all data, where she found hacker hacked 16Nov 1995 data.
  • In the next scene Sudalai is conjugating all department and saying – Three guy of medical student, has raped a girl, and then they killed her. One of the guy also killed buy someone. Two guy has escaped from Hyderbad and hiding somewhere in Chennai.
  • Moreover Savitri murder case is linked with those three guys. Because these three guys fingerprints is matching with the evidence we found in Savitri case.
  • Now Hyderabad police, e-mail Savitri’s details in crime branch, meanwhile Anu saw this details. Where she find Savitri’s husband was no more, and her husband one insurance has claimed by Yesu’s help. Furthermore Yesu’s full name is Kuzhandhai Yesu. Moreover Police got this details.

Who is Yesu?

When Anu reach in her home, now she’s sure, her father Ganesan assumed Kuzhandai Yesu in front of his. Altogether Ganesan all time talk to him, and he know who’s Savitri.

In the next scene Sudalai got Neeta’s post morterm report and this morterm has done by Yesu.

Now we see Sandeep with Mathi sun away from his friends group, and hacker and Binod is finding him.

And The Episode 5 Ends Here.

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