At the end of Money Heist Season 4 we have seen that, Alicia reached in Proffesor address, and she is taking Proffesor in a gun point. Furthermore Netflix has released Money Heist Season 5, Vol. 1’s on 3rd of September. To know more about the show read Money Heist Season 5 Episode 1 Story Explanation Of Vol.1 In English. Moreover you can find here another movies review.
As we all know, robbery in Bank Of Spain, was the plan of Berlin. Therefore we was seeing flashback story of Berlin, how he planned all set-up. After that which has executed by the proffesor.
Now we see further, flashback story of Berlin – “Rafael” is the son of Berlin. But the both was living saprately. Therefore after a long time Berlin make a mind to meet his son Rafael.
Furthermore here Rafael also meet Berlin present girlfriend Tatiana. Rafael is an electronic engineer,he’s innocent and he never steal anything in his life. So Berlin is convincing him – You want a boring life with schedules, meetings, emails, with those endless shifts, that will completely exhaust your energy? and asking Rafael to join him, with the robbery.
Now we see Present story –
Lisbon’s in the bank now, therefore now she is the captain, and give them order to gold out now. But Bogota is suspicious on Lisbon – Because she’s getting out of jail so she puts the plan at risk.
- In the next scene, Alicia tie proffesor hands with the handcuffs. Lisbon is continously asking for Proffesor response on call, but he is in gun point of Alicia. So he can’t speak anything.
- Alicia is asking to proffesor – How did Raquel get into the bank? And how are all robbers coming out from the bank? Are you melting the gold? When Proffesor didn’t answer her, then Alicia shooted a bullet on Proffesor foot.
- Proffesor is bleeding and he is in pain, therefore he answer – We’re going to turn the gold into ingots, into Pellets. Two millimeters so we can safely get it out. But proffesor try to mislead Alicia, to inform her they are outing from the sewarage way. But Alicia understood he is lying because at under ground palace of the sewer out, police force is standing.

Alicia is badly torturing to Proffesor. So she is hanging proffesor.
Now scene shifted and Colonel and his team is tracing Marseille helicopter.
Tokyo, and Lisbon has forget their all misunderstandings, and now they are sharing a good bond. Where Tokyo is looking tens about outing from the bank, and missing her past – that she was kissed a guy in the moment before a heist. After that Tokyo and a guy, attacked on a restaurent, threatened people there, and steal everything. She is missing her that moment because that was her incrediable time before heist.
Now Marseille landed the helicopter, cops reached in the same location. But Proffesor has already made the plan how to handle the situation. They set their some mans Benjamin who helped proffesor to escapped Lisbon, from the prison.
- Benjamin, is acting like a poor farmer, altogether Colonel is sure that they’ll grab proffesor here. But when cops asked Benjamin, then he reply he saw a man in red car. After that all cops is running behind that red colour, when they caught the car, they found a man inside the car with the explosive.
- Moreover in between this scenerio Marseille, Benjamin run out from the palace.
- Lisbon is trying to call Proffesor, Alicia is forcefully convincing him to recieve the call. When Proffesor recieved her call – Lisbon said – Plan Paris was a success, so we’re launching plan Rome. In an hour, we’ll start the extraction.
- Proffesor reply to Lisbon – It’s possible this is the last time I’ll speak to all of you. The stormwater tank has been discovered. Everything is over.
Money Heist Season 5 Episode 1 Story Explanation Of Vol.1 Money Heist Season 5 Episode 1 Story Explanation Of Vol.1
All guys has disappointed, moreover army is coming inside the bank, But this time they don’t have any plan-B.
And The Episode 1 Ends Here.
- Moreover here you can check Money Heist Season 1 explanation.
- Check Money Heist Season 2 Explanation in hindi and english.
- So you’ll get here a full explanation of Money Heist Season 3.
- Money Heist Season 4 Explanation.