Jamtara - Sabka Number Ayega Season 1 Episode 3 Story Explanation

“Jamtara – Sabka Number Ayega” Season 1 Episode 3 Story Explanation -“Lavishly Swindle Of Theft”

Jamtara - Sabka Number Ayega TV Series

At the end of Jamtara season 1 Episode 2 we have seen, that Brajesh Bhan was creating a war in between Rocky and Sunny. Beacuse Brajesh knew it, that Sunny will never work under his rule. Altogether Sunny talked to Gudiya’s mother for marriage. To know more about the show read Jamtara – Sabka Number Ayega Season 1 Episode 3 Story Explanation. Moreover Click here to check review of Jamtara – Sabka Number Ayega.

Jamtara – Sabka Number Ayega Season 1 Episode 3 Story Explanation.

All Phishing boys used their parents, or known ones, account number, for credit balance. Sunny used his village uncle bank detail. One day when Sunny go bank with his uncle, to withdraw some balance, from his uncle account. In return he give his uncle some money, and said don’t tell everyone about this. Meanwhile someone is shooting their video quietly.

  • In the next scene SP- Dolly Sahu, goes to meet Saurav Sharma, who’s work in cyber crime branch as Software engineer.
  • Dolly is asking – That she want end of Phishing, and she need his help. Then Saurav show her some crime FIR files and said – These’re the complaints from the past six months from all over the country. Team came, arrested people, but after that we get nothing.
  • Then Dolly convince Saurav to work with her.

Rocky is seeming jealous of Sunny, because all other boys, didn’t want to wrok without Sunny. Then Munna & Baccha taking advantage of this opportunity, where they’re saying to Rocky – The Lion is not feared, unless he hunts down other animals. Today Sunny is getting married, you light the fireworks, then everyone will follow you.

In the next side Gudiya’s marriage prepration is going, but her mother is still confuse. Then Gudiya said her – Look mom, Sunny is giving us good money. It’s possible that I’ll go abroad after a year. Because I don’t want this shitty life anymore and I don’t want any children either.

Sunny Arrested

  • Now Rocky kidnapped a girl, who’s daughter of Sunny’s uncle, whom bank account has used by Sunny. Rocky warn him – he’ll give your daughter when he said all truth against Sunny in from of police.
  • The man is doing same, to save his daughter, what Rocky said. Now Police is checking his bank details where they got, lakhs of were deposited in this account monthly this past year.

Then Police go to arrest Sunny in between his marriage.

And The Episode 3 Ends Here.

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