Jamtara - Sabka Number Ayega Season 1 Episode 2 Story Explanation.

“Jamtara – Sabka Number Ayega” Season 1 Episode 2 Story Explanation -“Lavishly Swindle Of Theft”

Jamtara - Sabka Number Ayega TV Series

At the end of Jamtara Season 1 Episode 1 we have seen that, Jamtara’s teenagers sources of income is Phising. Moreover new police superintendent Dolly Sahu arrives in the town. She comes with the objective of end to all the phishing activities. Furthermore we heard, a gun shot, during the fight of Sunny and Rocky. To know more about the show read Jamtara – Sabka Number Ayega Season 1 Episode 2 Story Explanation. Moreover Click here to check review of Jamtara – Sabka Number Ayega.

Jamtara – Sabka Number Ayega Season 1 Episode 2 Story Explanation.

Last time we heard a gun shot, of Police, Inspector Biswa again arrest them. But Brajesh Bhan, man’s comes there and get rid all of them.

Munna and Baccha, they’re best friend, they’re doing a discussion – One day Rocky will kill Sunny. After that, the remaining guys, will kill each other. Then we’ll rule this place.

  • In the next scene, Rocky is conjugating all boys, for Brajesh Bhan. But Sunny didn’t want to work under Brajesh Bhan. That is why he wants to marry with Gudiya, after that he can take help of Gudiya in Phishing.
  • Moreover all boys is saying we can’t do anything without Sunny. He’s mastermind of Phishing.
  • Now Sunny goes to Gudiya house with his mom, where he’s saying to Gudiya’s mom – Gudiya and I are getting married. I have talked to Gudiya about it.
  • Gudiya’s mom asked Sunny about his age – Then he reply he’s seventeen. Gudiya’s mom is not happy with this marriage, Furthermore Sunny belongs to lower caste. Where she reply – She’s older, by age and caste, we belongs to a higher caste. If Gudiya’s father wasn’t poisoned, we wouldn’t be living like this.
  • Sunny reply – Whoever, has money is of higher caste now. Then he give her, 5lakh cash and said, start wedding preparations, and talk to me with respect.

The War In Between Two Brother

  • In the next scene, Rocky is going to meet Brajesh Bhan, where he’s returning his gun, and saying – Last night, a fight broke out between us. I pointed the gun at someone in anger.
  • Brajesh Bhan is saying I was the one who saved you from going to jail, but you all still didn’t work for me.
  • Rocky – Everyone in the group is working alone. Brajesh Bhan is reply – According to Mahabharat, Arjun had to kill his brother to become the king. Then be like Arjun.

Rocky is forcing Sunny to work with Brajesh, but Sunny deny, we’ve never been together, I’ll do what I want. You do what you want.

And The Episode 2 Ends Here.

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