Ray Season 1 Episode 3 Story Explanation

“Ray” Season 1 Episode 3 Story Explanation – “Best Startling Way Of Psychological Thrilled”

Ray TV Series

Ray is streaming on Netflix with Psychological thrilled seriesRay season 1 contains four Episode with different – different story. Furthermore The series inspired by the work of Satyajit Ray. The main star cast is Kay Kay Menon, Ali Fazal, Manoj Bajpayee, & Harshvardhan Kapoor, and all episode isn’t interlinked with each other. Moreover click here to check the review of Ray. So here You can click here to check Ray Season 1 Episode 1 & Episode 2 Story Explanation. To know more about the show read Ray Season 1 Episode 3 Story Explanation.

Ray Season 1 Episode 3 Story Explanation

Hungama Hai Kyon Barpa –

In the starting of this Episode we saw a man, and his name is Mushafir Ali(Manoj Bhajpayee) & he’s the Gajal- artist. He’s standing in railway platform, for ticket. Mushafir Ali is the famous Gajal singer, and he have many followers.

Now Mushafir Ali sit in his compartment in train, but he find one more man there, and his name is Ashlm Baig. Ashlm Baig is asking to Mushafir Ali – that he saw him before. Then Mushafir reply – May you saw me in any Gajal-concert. Ashlm answer no he never go before in any concert.

Mushafir Ali is now showing a ring to Ashlm and saying this ring has gifted to me by the Gulam Ali Sahab after heard my Gajal. Ring is very beautiful and very rare. Meanwhile Service man, gave them a tea. Now Mushafir is seeing Ashlm is adding some lime and bread crumbs in his tea, and saying now its looking like Aerabic tea.

After that Mushafir Ali felt some visual, and he get scare. Ashlm is saying he was famous with jenga wrestler‘s name, because he like wrestling. But Mushafir Ali is scaring and he go to washroom.

Now we see story 10 year ago –

  • Mushafir Ali’s name was “Raju sherwani”, at this time Mushafir look was completely different as compare to present. Moreover 10 year ago Raju met to Ashlm in the same train compartment. Where Ashlm asked Raju same question is he want to add lime and bread in your tea? But Raju deny.
  • Ashlm is saying that he was a wrestler, but now he’s sports genralist. Furthermore Ashlm is showing him a watch, And this watch was very pretty. Ashlm is saying this is not only watch this is my luck, which changed my life, that mean my luckiest thing.

Rare Watch

  • Raju attract to see the watch, and when train get stop in one station, Raju steal Ashlm watch.
  • Now Raju meet to a doctor, where doctor is saying he’s suffering from Kleptomania. This is a mental illness, that creates a strong urge to steal, that someboady can’t control. Doctor is suggesting him, you can change your stealing habbit you have to create your intrest in other thing. Which he likes more than robbery.
  • Then Raju answer – yes sometime he likes to sing & write Gajal.

After that day, Raju started to change his dress-up, and he also changed his name, from Raju to Mushafir. Now he’s singing Gajal in many concert.

Story turns in Present –

When Mushafir come from washroom, then Ashlm tells him, 10 years ago, one robber has theft his rare watch. An additionally he tells, he’s not stealen my watch, he steal my luck with him. Because after that, my life changes like a curse, and nothing happened good in his life.

In the next day when Ashlm go to washroom, Mushafir take out watch from his bag, and keep it in Ashlm bag. Meanwhile Ashlm saw him, then Mushafir confessed that he’s the robbers of Ashlm watch. Then Mushafir handover Ashlm watch to his hand. And said, If he want to Punish him, then he ready to take his punishment.

Ashlm get angry, but he didn’t punish him. Now Ashlm is returning his watch in Mushafir hand and saying Tomarrow after 3p.m, give this watch in a shop, and the shop name is Roosafa. Mushafir is not understanding, why Ashlm did this.

Ray Season 1 Episode 3 Story Explanation

“Conclusion” –

Next day Mushafir reached in same shop, and gave the watch to shopkeeper. Mushafir ovbserved many antique goods there. Then the owner of the shop tells him – When the robbers conscience, wake up, and felt guilt, then they came in this shop, and returned their stealen things. Furthermore Shop owner asked him, from where you get this? Then Mushafir reply him – he theft this watch from “Ashlm urf Jenga Wrestler”.

After that shop owner laughed to hear Ashlm name, because he’s too a robber. Moreover shop owner show him a ring, and said Yesterday Ashlm, returned this rare ring, Now Mushafir see the ring, and this is the Mushafir ring, which he show Ashlm, in a train compartment. Then Mushafir laughed.

Next day Mushafir returned all goods in the same shop, which has stealen things. Then the Episode ends with one Gajal song.

And The Episode 3 Ends Here.

Click here to check Grahan Season 1 explained.

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