Money Heist Season 2 Episode 8 Explanation In English & Hindi

Money Heist Season 2 Episode 8 Explanation In English & Hindi – Know Here An Amazing Thriller, Which Can Make You Curious Everytime.

Money Heist money heist season 1 Money Heist season 2 TV Series

At the end of Money Heist Season 2 Episode 7 we have seen that Raquel suspending from her duties. Because everyone is thinking she is helping robbers, because of her relationship with Salva. After being removed from the case and duty how will Raquel handle the things? To know more about the show read Money Heist Season 2 Episode 8 Explanation In English & Hindi. Moreover click here to check the review of Money Heist Season 2.

“Money Heist Season 2 Episode 8 Explanation In English & Hindi”

  • Raquel being removed from the case, So now she is trying to sets out to conduct her own searches, from where Professor is controlling everything?
  • In the next scene Professor is digging the tunnel, to reach fast in to the Mascow. So He arranged a doctor for Moscow. Furthermore Professor is digging the tunnel from his control room, and Rio, Denver is digging from Royal Mint. But Raquel is searching all the way cctv photages, the way Professor is using. Now she point out all the location, to find Professor exact location.

Moscow is asking for Denver, when Denver go there, Moscow is saying to Monica – I’ll give you 300 million if you keep him. Because I am going on vacation, So please take care of my son. Then Moscow take his last breath and die there. Now all robbers is looking sad. Because Moscow was really a gentle man, who loves to help everyone with his kind behaviour.

“Professor Finally Met To Robbers”

In the next scene inteligence department is too searching all cctv photages of Salva, the way he used. But they saw Raquel is on every shop, from where she is too collecting the photages. So now the department fully suspecting on her like she is collaborating with the robbers.

  • Now Professor digged the tunnel which is direct linked from the Mint. When he meet to all robbers he hug everyone. He’s saying sorry to Denver and Helsinki beacuse they lose their loves one. Robbers printed 984 millions euro. In the other hand the cops is getting ready to attack on Mint. Professor go back in their control room. But the he find Raquel there.

“Raquel Is Now With The Robbers”

  • Raquel is saying – Now you’re coming to the station. This time if you show any other activity the I will shoot you. But till then some men’s of Professor grab Raquel, and hanged her hand.
  • Raquel request to professor that she want to talk with Angel, Professor make call to Angel,– Raquel is crying on phone. But Angel understood everything because he watched Raquel news on TV. Angel tells her he want to look her first in front of him.
  • Then Raquel, request Professor she want to go there, and said – I am with you. Then Professor allow Raquel.

And The Episode Ends Here.

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