Money Heist Season 2 Episode 8 Explanation In English & Hindi"

Get Here A Pioneering Energize Twist In – Money Heist Season 2 Episode 7 Explanation In English & Hindi

Money Heist money heist season 1 Money Heist season 2 TV Series

At the end of Money Heist Season 2 Episode 6 we have seen that how Tokyo enter in the Mint. But Moscow shoted very badly by the cops. Furthermore Professor is now in the hand of Raquel. How will Professor run from there? To know more about the show read Money Heist Season 2 Episode 7 Explanation In English & Hindi. Moreover click here to check the review of Money Heist Season 2.

“Money Heist Season 2 Episode 7 Explanation In English & Hindi”

  • Moscow has wounded very badly, he shoted by the three bullet. All robbersis taking care of him, but his condition is not looking good. Robbers is couraging him, you’ll be fine soon.
  • Tokyo is forcing Berlin to call police for ask doctors.
  • Berlin – Berlin is now calling police, and saying – the cops wounded our one men, So I want a surgeon in here.
  • But Mr. Priesto reply Berlin – Do you really think you’re in any position to make requests? If you want to save that man, bring him through the main door, An ambulance will be waiting.
  • Berlin reply we are not turning our man there.
  • In the next scene Professor grab Raquel, and then he run away from there. Now Raquel reach in her camp, where she find Alberto. Moreover now all the cop’s and Investigation team know the truth of Salva. Because Alberto matched Salva’s fingerprint. Now all, knew the truth of Salva, Salva is the man who’s helping robbers from outside.
  • Now all the cops and intelligence dpt is suspecting on Raquel, because Salva have been seeing with Raquel since from the five days. Raquel reply – Yes! I found out a few hour ago Salva is playing all the game. Now one by one all are blaming Raquel.

“Raquel Suspended “

  • Denver is digging the tunnel very hard. Because it can only way, from where Denver can take his father out.
  • Professor is calling in the camp – Mr.Prieto received call where he said – Now inspector Raquel can’t answer the phone, she’s being investigated for collaboration in the heist. Now we know who you are, Salva or Sergio Marquina.
  • Professor reply – We have a man dying here because of your gunfire. So please send the doctor in. But Mr.Prieto deny to send the doctor there.
  • Raquel ask the officers – If you’ve got it under control. Can you tell me what I am doing here? Am I under arrest?
  • Mr. Prieto reply – No inspector! You’re not arrest but you’re being investigated. Then they take Raquel badge and gun.
  • Then Raquel go from there.

“Angel Get Sense”

Now Raquel is looking very sad because she broke. She meet to Angel, who’s in the hospital bed. – Raquel was at the edge of the abyss, she’s balancing herself to avoid thinking about how ridiculous and absurd it was, to have gone from inspector to suspect in a couple of minutes. Now she take Angel badge from his Almira to show all okay in front of her mother and daughter. When she go, meanwhile Angel open his eyes.

And The Episode Ends Here.

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