Special Ops Season 1 Episode 6 Story Explanation In English

Special Ops Season 1 Episode 6 Story Explanation In English – Get Here An Amazing Thriller With Surprise.

Special Ops Season 1 TV Series

At the end of Special Ops Season 1 Episode 5 we have seen that Farooq finally met to Hafiz Ali. Moreover Hafiz Ali hinted him, that Ikhlaq Khan will be there. But at the end of Episode we have seen “Sadia Qureshi”, she attached a bomb in her body. Who is she? To know more about the show read Special Ops Season 1 Episode 6 Story Explanation In English. Moreover click here to check Special Ops review.

Special Ops Season 1 Episode 6 Story Explanation In English

  • Now Himmat Singh all agents Bala, Ruhani, Juhi, Avinash, got the message to leave for Baku immediately.
  • Farooq all numbers are switched off. He told Himmat Singh he contact him when he 100% sure that Ikhlaq Khan is coming Baku.

Farooq, with Hafiz and Ismail reached there. So now Farooq on their GPs, when he turn on the GPs, Himmat found where he is.

  • All four agent has reached in safe house. Moreover Himmat Singh is giving them an instruction –
  • The objective of Operation shadow is to kill Ikhlaq Khan. The target will be in Fali Oil Fields today. He’ll be there to close a business deal on Jamaat’s behalf. I just got the confirmation, that even Ikhlaq Khan is going to be there. Avinash will lead this Op. Ruhani and Bala will take care of the base. Furthermore Juhi and Avinash will be in the field. I’ll share Farooq GPs feed with Ruhani, and his location is only 20minutes away from your safe house.

Will They Find Ikhlaq Khan?

  • Now Ruhani and Bala is tracing the GPs. Moreover Juhi and Avinash is on the field where is Farooq with Hafiz. Avinash is on the Tower and poniting the target from 1km far.
  • Meanwhile Ikhlaq Khan comes there but he’s on the car. But he didn’t come outside the car, then Hafiz go near his car and done the deal there. So Himmat Singh gives an instruction to Avinash abort the mission.
  • Now Hafiz is asking to Farooq/Amjad –What happened, Amjad? It was a major deal but you don’t seem happy.
  • Farooq reply – No. I am happy but I am a little disappointed. Mr. Ikhlaq was in front of me, inside the car, but I couldn’t meet him.
  • After some time all agent reach their safe house.
  • Himmat is asking Farooq location, Then Farooq is saying – he’s in the hotel room. Hafiz, Ismail and me are going to attend a wedding here.
  • Himmat – Does Hafiz know where Ikhlaq Khan is?
  • Farooq reply – Absolutely sir, he’s in constant touch with him.
  • Now Himmat order – lets abduct Hafiz, then he’ll tell us where Ikhlaq Khan is. Now he tells to Farooq share the details of your hotel with Ruhani.

In the next scene Himmat doesn’t attend their inquiry session today. So Banarjee and Mr.Chadda decide to blocked his monetary requirements, until there is a new internal audit commission.

Now all agents reached in marriage hall. When Bala find Hafiz alone, he try to attack on him. But Hafiz hitted Bala very badly.

And The Episode Ends Here.

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