Money Heist Season 2 Episode 2 Explanation In English & Hindi.

Get Here An Astonishing Exposed Of Robbers In -Money Heist Season 2 Episode 2 Explanation In English & Hindi.

Money Heist money heist season 1 Money Heist season 2 TV Series

At the end of Money Heist Season 2 Episode 1 we have seen that ‘Tokyo’ tie Ber;in hand. Because Professor didn’t call them since for last 18hours and they thought professor interrogated. Berlin wants to wait for his call but Tokyo is troubling Berlin to activate new plan. To know more about the show read Money Heist Season 2 Episode 2 Explanation In English & Hindi. Moreover click here to check the review of Money Heist Season 2.

“Money Heist Season 2 Episode 2 Explanation In English & Hindi”

  • Now Alberto gives a lift to Professor, Professor is intentionally teasing Alberto where he is saying – You betray Raquel, you did your affair with your wife sister. Now Alberto tells him – get out from the car. But professor says- I’ll beat you so hard.
  • Now they come out from the car, start fight. As Professor is mastermind of the robbery altogether he’s good fighter. Professor hit the punch on Alberto head and then he get unconscious. Professor now exchanged all the evidence which Alberto collect from invetigation., and keep there some other evidence which he found from the garbage.
  • In the next scene when Alberto get conscious, he arrest professor and the case file he hit the police officer.

“Berlin Revenge”

  • In the next scene Tokyo, tied Berlin in a chair. Moreover she break his medicine, which is a life of Berlin. Berlin can live some more days but Tokyo ruined everything. Tokyo is threatning Berlin. But he’s very quite guy because he want to save all robbers life, so he didn’t speak any single words about the next plan. Now Tokyo pointing a gun on Berlin neck, and fired but luckily the gun not shot.
  • Now Nairobi knock the door and trying to make understand Tokyo. But Tokyo start abuse Nairobi against her child.
  • Tokyo again point the gun on Berlin, but berlin is making her understand – You want to kill that boy who know all the plan, if i died you don’t have a single clue to get out from this trap. Meanwhile Moscow break the door, Nairobi and Moscow now enter in the room. Then they control all the situation.

But Berlin can revenge now because of her stupidity. Now Berlin with the help of Helsinki tied her in a stretcher. Then they open the door of Royal Mint and pushed the stretcher outside the Mint. Now Tokyo screamed loudly. Now police arrested her.

‘Story turn in flashback ” Money Heist Season 2 Episode 2 Explanation In English & Hindi.

Berlin hugs to Professor, and Tokyo is seeing them from the window. Now Tokyo asked to Professor- You said no personal relationship, but Berlin calls you by your name “Sergio”. How he know your name and we not? Then Professor reply – Yeah my name is Sergio Marquina, my father was a bank robber. He was killed in a shootout, with the police outside a bank. So it was he, who had the idea for the heist.

“Story turn in Present”

Professor has arrested by Alberto, to hitting a police officer. So cops is checking him properly, meanwhile Professor watch a news on TV – the cops arrested Tokyo.

In the next scene Berlin is making everyone to live calm. But Rio is shouting on Berlin – Tokyo is my girlfriend, and you ruined her life. Everyone is with Berlin, so Rio decide to go out from the mint. But Berlin get unconscious him by the injection.

Now cops is asking Tokyo, but she has prepared. Because during the training period Professor speak the robbers – If in any condition you get out from the house and cops interrogated you. Then speak truth in the begening, when they believe you’re telling the truth, trapped them in your messy talk. So Tokyo is doing same thing Then Raquel comes there and ask her – answer me who’s the professor?

And The Episode Ends Here.

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