The Family Man Season 2 Episode 6 Story Explanation In English

The Family Man Season 2 Episode 6 Story Explanation In English – So Here You’ll Get An Amazing Secrets & The Reasons Of Preposterous War.

The Family Man Season 2 TV Series

At the end of The Family Man Season 2 Episode 5 we have seen that, Srikant found that Raji is Rebel’s soldier. Furthermore DevDarshani joined the case. Raji and Sajid took explosive from Sri-Lanka, but they killed some Srilankan soldiers, and Local 52’s one man Jabaraj. To know more about the show read The Family Man Season 2 Episode 6 Story Explanation In English.  Moreover click here to check The Family Man Season 2 review.

The Family Man Season 2 Episode 6 Story Explanation In English

  • When Raji and Sajid return back from Sri-Lanka. Meanwhile Selva tells them the detonator of the explosive was in the Jabaraj house. So that mean they have to go in Jabaraj house to take that detonator.
  • So now Raji, Selva, and Sajid makes a plan to go in Jabraj house.

Moreover Srikant find the identity of local 52, with the help of Chellam. So Srikant is going to search the Jabaraj house.

  • Furthermore Srikant and Raji reached in same time, at Jabaraj house.
  • When Srikant and his team see Raji there, they all started to run behind her. But she’s a good fighter, she fight back. After a long helter skelter finally they seize Raji.
  • Now they took away Raji in a local Police -station. Srikant started to ask her, but she didn’t answer him.
  • Srikant is emotionally trying to convince her, then finally Raji open her mouth and tells her story to Srikant – “Raji’s father was a school teacher. The Lankan army made an airstrike on the school, and Raji father’s dead body was not even found. When she was only 15 years old. The Lankan army shot down her brother and his friends. He was only nine year old. After that they took Raji to their base and, there was so many Lankan soldier, raped her. Then one Rebel’s chief saved her life.” Then Raji said do whatever you want to do, but I’ll never spoke anything about Rebel’s.
  • Moreover now Srikant understood, when a man turns into an animal, he starts behaving worse than them. That mean Raji faced many probleam in her entire life, and now she can resist any harder pain. So it’s harder to convince her for say something.

“Raji Run Away”

In the next scene, Sajid and Selva with the help of some local support, attack on Police- station. In this attack Milliand died, and some officers wounded. Moreover Sajid, took Raji with him but she’s in wounded condition.

  • When Sajid looked Srikant there, he called Sameer and tells him -This operation is leading by Srikant Tiwari again. Then Sajid wants a permission from Sameer and said he have an idea how he can keep Srikant far from this operation. Then Sameer allow him to activate the plan.
  • Now Sajid call Salman and give him an order to kidnap Srikant daughter Dhriti.

And The Episode 6 Ends Here.

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