Mohanagar Season 1 Ending Story Explanation (Episode 8)

Mohanagar Season 1 Ending Story Explanation (Episode 8) –

Mohanagr TV Series

Mohanagar Season 1 Episode 6&7 we saw, that Harun is intentionally framing Abir, in accident case. Because after that he can save Afnan. Consequently Harun forcing Abir, to take all blame on your head. To know full story here read Mohanagar Season 1 Ending Story Explanation (Episode 8). Moreover Click here to check another movies review.

To save Abir from there, “Moloy” is now going to find “Sintu”, Because he is the eye witness of that night.

In the next scene, a ladies meet to Sahana, and file the report of her husband is missing from last some day. Altogether her husband is victim, who died in accident. So Sahana order her constable to report her statement.

Story Turns In Flashback –

Afnan is flirting with Zara, and he’s offering her to stay with him, for a night. But Zara deny to hook up with him, because she’s commited with Afnan friend Rizwan.

  • In the next scene, Moloy find Sintu’s adress, now Moloy is saying to Sintu – What you have seen, at the night of accident, please, give your statement in front of AC.Sahana.
  • But Sintu is scaring, because Harun threatened him very badly, so he didn’t go with Moloy. Meanwhile, Sintu provide victim’s friend phone number to Moloy, and he’s too the victim’s witness. When Moloy reach there, he’s too denying to say anything in police station, but he provide Victim’s adress to Moloy.
  • When Moloy reached in Victim adress, he get a shocking news from there.

In the next scene Abir wants to talk to Sahana ma’am but Harun slap him, and torturing him, without any fault. Now Harun is providing some money to this lady, who came police station for her missing husband statement. Harun is saying to her to change your statement.

Mohanagar Season 1 Ending Story Explanation (Episode 8)

So the lady is changing her statement and saying, her husband accident occured from a small car. Because Harun wants to frame, Abir in the place of Afnan, and his car is very small as compare to Afnan car.

After that Victim dead body we see, outside the police station. Furthermore media is covering all the news, and the lady start to cry loudly, he was her husband.

  • Now Moloy and Sahana is threatning the lady to speak truth, because when Moloy reached in victim’s house. There he find he have no family, so now who is this lady who is crying in police station.
  • Therefore lady answer to police, Harun sir gave her money to act like this.

After that police arrest Afnan and take him in the court. Moreover police released Abir from there.

Here we know some conclusion related to the ending –

  • Actually Harun was intentionally making this case complicate, he called to media, furthermore, after accident, he hide victim’s dead body. At the last Harun told to his man to put the Victim body in police station. Because somewhere he’s too want to send Afnan behind the bar, but before that he wants to take money from him. So he acted and created all the scene there.
  • Altogether Harun know this, at the party night, when Zara deny to go with Afnan, he forcefully tried to intimated with her, and he raped her. So Harun request to Zara, to speak all the truth in the court. Because of Zara’s statement and Victim’s death, now Afnan is behind the bar.

And The Season 1 Ends Here.

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