The Family Man Season 2 Episode 4 Story Explanation In English

The Family Man Season 2 Episode 4 Story Explanation In English – You’ll Get Here An Amazing, Great Surprise With Lot’s Of Suspence & Thriller.

The Family Man Season 2 TV Series

At the end of The Family Man Season 2 Episode 3 we have seen that Suchitra join his job again. Moreover Srikant left his IT job and joined TASC again. Furthermore at the last scene Raji killed her supervisor. Because he was forcing her to physically intimate with him. To know more about the show read The Family Man Season 2 Episode 4 Story Explanation In English.  Moreover click here to check The Family Man Season 2 review.

The Family Man Season 2 Episode 4 Story Explanation In English

Raji is disintegrating his body, and packing in different-2 garbage bags. Moreover she’s disposing his body one by one.

Sameer , with the help of Bhaskaran, have bought a private flying school. According to their plan, Raji, from the same place, she’ll run of with the explosive plane. Then she’ll crash this plane in PM’s meeting venue.

  • After got order from Sajid, to stay away from the girl Dhriti for sometime, Salman is continously in the contact of Dhriti. Moreover Salman is not following Sajid order.
  • In the next scene Raji’s supervisor due to suddenly disappear from the factory, police come there to investigate. Police is now one by one asking from every employees about the supervisor. When Raji’s turn come she gave her false adress and identity to police.
  • After some time one worker told to police, she saw last time supervisor with Raji. She told to police, I’ve notice many time, that supervisor tried to come close of her. But Raji’s response was negative as always.
  • In the next scene, Srikant emotionally motivated Milliand, and after heard his emotional story he again joined TASC with Srikant. Now they all go to Chennai.
  • In the next scene Police reach in Raji’s adress, but the adress was wrong. Beacuse Raji was living in Tamil Rebel’s safe house.

TASC Is Searching All Rebels House

  • Moreover Srikant and his team is now in Chennai. Where some local officer from Chennai, is helping Srikant and his team in this case. So now Srikant order his team, in order to stop this attack first we have to search all Rebel’s safe house.
  • Now all are searching Rebel’s house.
  • After provide a wrong adress to police, Still they find Raji’s adress, when police reach there. Raji make her innocent face, and then start to manipulate them. After that, without any checking police go from there.
  • When inspector Dev Darshani reach hospital to check one body, she observed a bad smell. When she asked from the doctor what’s that smell? Then doctor replied her this is the smell of chemical used to dicompose body. Now Inspector Dev- Darshani memorised, same smell she felt in Raji’s house.

Will Raji Trap?

  • Then Dev-Darshani again go in Raji’s house to arrest her. But Raji is packing her bag to run away from there, meanwhile on the way Raji meets to Srikant and JK. Where Srikant is asking Raji -, same adress of her. But at that time Srikant is unaware from Raji, that she’s the main leader of Rebels. When Srikant and Jk reached on Raji’s house, meanwhile Dev-Darshani come there and she found Srikant and Jk on the disintegrated body.

And The Episode 4 Ends Here.

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