The Family Man Season 2 Episode 3 Story Explanation In English

The Family Man Season 2 Episode 3 Story Explanation In English – Check Here An Insanely & Gigantic Reasons Of Turn In Story.

The Family Man Season 2

At the end of The Family Man Season 2 Episode 2 we have seen, that Sajid planned a bomb blast to kill Shubhu. Moreover taking advantage from this opportunity Major Sameer,priming Bhaskaran against India’s ministry. So now they altogether planning a attack on PM-Basu and Srilanka President. To know more about the show read The Family Man Season 2 Episode 3 Story Explanation In English. Moreover click here to check The Family Man Season 2 review.

The Family Man Season 2 Episode 3 Story Explanation In English

  • Suchitra and Srikant marriage is not working good. Because last time when Srikant went Jammu-Kashmir for his mission, then Suchitra and her friend Arvind, physcially intimated. So Suchitra join the counselor, to keep stay her mind from these things.
  • Suchitra wants to share this secret with Srikant. But her counselor deny her to do this, because it can affect more her relationship. Then he advice Suchitra to go get back on her job, which can give her a new refreshment again, and said her to move on from the situation.
  • In the next scene TASC knew this that Sameer and Bhaskaran is planning something.
  • Moreover Kulkarni understood, they’re planning to attack on PM, during the meeting of PM with Rupatunga in Chennai.
  • Sameer is calling Sajid and warning him until they don’t get success on his mission, doesn’t plan any other side mission. Therefore Sajid call Salman for sometime stay away from this girl Dhriti, they’ll hold their private mission for some time.

“Suchitra Wants A break”

  • When Srikant arrived at home, he invite Suchitra for dinner in a restaurent. Because this is Suchitra’s birthday, today. But they too fight in restaurent, because Suchitra wants to some day of space from their relation. Meanwhile after heard this, Srikant shout on her and then Suchitra goes from there.
  • In the next day when Srikant go to his office, his boss again start to tease him “he’s late”, and “he’s not looking intrested to do his work”. Then Srikant vent his all frustration on his manager and then Srikant start hitted him. Moreover Srikant left his IT Job, and joined the TASC again.
  • Furthermore Suchitra join her job again, in Arvind company.

“Raji Killed Her Supervisor”

In the next scene where Raji is working, in a small factory, her supervisor is taking advantage of her compulsion. So he try to intimate with her. Then Raji invite her supervisor for dinner, after that she killed him.

And The Episode 3 Ends Here.

Check here some more web Series explanation In English and Hindi.

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