Samantar Season 2 Episode 7 Story Explanation

Samantar Season 2 Episode 7 Story Explanation – “Remarkable Plummet”

Samantar TV Series

Samantar Season 2 Episode 6 click here to check. To know the story ahead read Samantar Season 2 Episode 7 Story Explanation. Moreover click here to check Samantar Season 1 review. So here at the last we have seen that, Meera told to court – she and Kumar were in their greenhouse, with each other & they had physical relations.

  • Now judge is asking to Kumar – that do you admit this? After that Kumar look into his wife, and admitted, what Meera said.
  • Then Kumar lawyer is giving explanation to court – The case is very simple, Kumar is being framed. He’s not guilty of the crime, Moreover, the fingerprints and marks found on the victim’s body also have no connection with Kumar. Mr.Baviskar died of a drug overdose, and the assistant at the chemist’s shop sold the wrong medicine, under the influence of alcohol, and in a sleepy state.
  • Then Judge answer – Many year ago, when he was a lawyer, he fought a case for Sudarshan Chakrapani. Even then, due to lack of conclusive proof, the court had to acquit Sudarshan Chakrapani. So it seems like the past is repeating itself. Altogether court acquit Kumar.

Finally Kumar has acquited from the court, but here his wife, and his friend has left him, because of what he did with Meera.

Samantar Season 2 Episode 7 Story Explanation

In the next scene Kumar is going to meet Chakrapani, he has came there, to return diaries of Chakrapani. Because Kumar decide, that from today, who comes into his life, and who doesn’t, will be dedicated not by Chakrapani’s future. But only by Kumar present.

Then Chakrapani answer him – that he stopped writing the diary at this point, because now Chakrapani wants that Kumar complete, his diary.

Now we see, Kumar friend is calling to him, and he told him that Neema commited sucide.

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