Money Heist Season 4 Episode 2 Explanation In English & Hindi

You’ll Check Here Tantalizing Monumental Turn In- Money Heist Season 4 Episode 2 Explanation In English & Hindi –

Money Heist money heist season 1 Money Heist season 2 Money Heist Season 3 Money Heist Season 4 TV Series

At the end of Money Heist Season 4 Episode 1 we have seen that robbers are doing Nairobi surgeory. Furthermore they are taking help of Pakistani surgeon. Meanwhile when ‘Colonel’ get robbers are talking with someone then he lose their signal. THow will they complete this surgeory now without doctor? Will Professor find the truth of Raquel? To know more about the show read Money Heist Season 4 Episode 2 Explanation In English & Hindi. Moreover Click here to check Money Heist Season 4 review.

“Money Heist Season 4 Episode 2 Explanation In English & Hindi”

  • Now Tokyo removed bullets from Nairobi’s chest and remove a piece of lungs. But they didn’t know they were saving her life and ending it.
  • Robbers remove ‘Palermo’ from the incharge, so he decide to go out from the bank. Meanwhile Helsinki and Tokyo catch him at the door.

“Professor Make The Police Fool”

  • Now Professor is calling inside the bank Tokyo received call – Where she said Palermo is doing crazy thing. He was almost at the door to get out. But we control the scene. So I am taking his charge.
  • Professor is saying – You can’t take the charge of Palermo, because he’s unpredicatable.
  • Tokyo said – We tied up him under 24 hour surveillance.
  • Professor is making her understand without ‘Palermo’, we are incapable of getting the gold out. Professor is crying in a call for Raquel, because he’s thinking she died. Meanwhile Tokyo tells you didn’t see her, you only heard it. that mean it can be a trap to interogate Raquel.
  • Professor is now getting the trap of cops, so he decide to go in Bank of Spain.
  • In the next scene they take Raquel in tent where ‘Alicia’ and ‘Colonel’. Now Alicia is threatning Raquel about her mother and daughter and asking where is professor? But Raquel is denying she don’t know where is professor.
  • Alicia is inflaming Raquel against Professor, but Raquel is not responding her, then Alicia again ask her question – Do you really deserve to spend 30 years of your life in jail? But if you’ll cooperate, the prosecutor will request 12 years, which will turn into ten.

How’ll Professor Meet To Raquel?

  • In the next scene “Professor” and “Marseille” reach outside the bank of spain but they are in between the public, with that dally mask. So no one can recognise them.
  • Now Professor is trying to search Raquel , meanwhile he find Angel there , who’s laughing with someone, So professor understood that Raquel is alive. Because Angel and Raquel is good friend and no one can laugh with their friends death. But now he needed to be sure.

In the next scene to make a surity of Raquel’s alive professor goes to “Antonanzas” (inspector) home with “Marseille”. Where they are asking to Antonanzas about Raquel. But he leap from his building into the swimming pool.

And The Episode Ends here.

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