Sunflower Season 1 Episode 3 Story Explanation.

“Sunflower” Season 1 Episode 3 Story Explanation – Crammed Mysterious Crime.

Sunflower TV Series

At the end of Sunflower Season 1 Episode 2 we have seen that, police confirmed about Mr.Kapoor death, it’s murder. Because they got forensic report, in which he died from Bromethalin chemical. Subsequently Police is fully suspicious on Sonu, because last time Sonu and Mr.Kapoor ordered a food, from the same restaurent. But Sonu thrown his food on dustbin, because his Fridge was not working. When the cops check his fridge, that’s in working condition. To know more about the show read Sunflower Season 1 Episode 3 Story Explanation. Moreover click here to check Sunflower Zee5 Web-series review.

Sunflower Season 1 Episode 3 Story Explanation.

Now story turn in flashback –

Where Mr. Ahuja in his bedroom with Mrs. Ahuja. Meanwhile he heard a sound, because Mr. Kapoor was playing Titi. Then Mr.Ahuja go there, and then they start to fight.

Now Story Turn in Present –

  • Mr.Ahuja memorised last time when he injected a poison on Mr.Kapoor coconut water. Then Mr.Ahuja left his fingerprints on straw. So now he try to go inside Mr.Kapoor house.
  • Then Mr. Ahuja try to jump from his balcony to Mr.Kapoor’s balcony through one connector but he scared. So Mr.Ahuja try more, where he find one more way to go inside, he use his washroom, ventilator, and through this vent he reach inside Mr.Kapoor house.

Meanwhile inspector Chetan comes there with one girl. After looked them there, Mr.Ahuja hide beneath the sofa. Now he’s waiting to go out of inspector Chetan, but after some time Mr.Ahuja sleeps there.

Next morning when Ahuja open his eyes, he find police there, and they all collecting evidence from there. Furthermore police took the straw in evidence.

Why Sonu Used Bromathalin?

  • In the next scene, police caught that delivery boy, who delivered food for Mr.Kapoor and Sonu. Moreover Inspector Diggi again go to meet Sonu for interogation.
  • Now the delivery boy is telling what happened that day – Delivery boy have had two food packet, one for Sonu, and second for Mr.Kapoor. when delivery boy ring the bell, then Sonu saw him, and give him a cloth to clean the floor first. Because Delivery boy had a mud in his shoes, and he dirt the floor.
  • When Sonu closed his door, delivery boy saw him, from the door hole – that he was injecting Bromathalin, in some sweets.
  • Then Inspector Diggi asked Sonu- Why you used Bromathalin poison in sweets?
  • Sonu replied he did it because for caught that mouse. Then inspector Diggi go to Mr.Ahuja’s house for routine question.

And The Episode 3 Ends Here.

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