Special Ops 1.5 Ending Story Explanation In English (Episode 4) The Himmat Story

Special Ops 1.5 Ending Story Explanation In English (Episode 4) The Himmat tory –

Special Ops TV Series

Click here to check previous episode 3 of Special Ops 1.5. There after it will easy to get Special Ops 1.5 Ending Story Explanation In English (Episode 4) The Himmat story. Moreover here you’ll get another movies video explanation.

Maninder is taking Vijay in his gun point and Karishma is in Himmat’s gun point. Himmat and Maninder are standing in front of each other. Meanwhile Maninder fired a gun and killed Karishma. And she died on the spot. Thereafter Maninder shot the gun again and Vijay died. Then quickly he run away, Himmat is running after him. But Himmat unable to get him.

Himmat gets disappointed, but now he make another plan to reach in Maninder. He directly meets to Sankalp Chaudhry, and take him in gun point. He threats him, and forced him to call Maninder. Now Sankalp Called Maninder – whereever you’re now please left the city and leave for Dubai. Because today you murdered two people, so it’ll risky for you to stay long in city. Himmat promised Sankalp he’ll not harm him, but if he speak anything to Maninder then first he’ll kill him.

Now Himmat is going after Maninder, and he sit behind Maninder’s seat, but Maninder is unaware. When everyone sleeps at plane Himmat tied Maninder’s neck and killed him there.

After finished Maninder, he arrives at Delhi, and there he shoted a gun on Anita’s forhead, and tells her, “Because of you I lost my friend today”

When Sankalp left for his meeting, as he sit in his car, it get blast. And Sankalp died on the spot. Moreover it has arranged by Himmat.

After finished his all enemies, Himmat arrived at Saroj’s house, and felt sorry for Vijay, and he get emotional.

Special Ops 1.5 Ending Story Explanation In English (Episode 4) The Himmat Story

  • Now Story Turns in Present – Abbas says to Mr.Chadda and Mr.Banarjee, I’ve told you everything about Himmat Singh. Then he leaves from there.
  • Banarjee and Chadda decide – that Himmat is a good guy, and he should be given respect.

Now we see Himmat in present, he’s calling to Farooq, and asking are you fine? Then Farooq reply -Yes sir! and next side we see Farooq, two men is pointing gun on him. Meanwhile Himmat feel something fissy in Farooq voice, and he get understand that something is wrong.

And The Season 1.5 of Special ops Ends Here.

Aarya Season 2 Ending Story Explanation.

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