Grahan Season 1 Episode 3 story Explanation

“Grahan” Season 1 Episode 3 story Explanation – “Tremendous Way Of Thriller”

Grahan TV Series

Grahan Season 1 Episode 2 we have seen that, Amrta is now incharge of the SIT inquiry on Sunjay Singh. An additionally, Amrita found, her father, is involved in 1984 riots on Bokaro. But when she asked from her father, he didn’t reply her. To know more about the show read Grahan Season 1 Episode 3 story Explanation. Moreover click here to check Grahan web-series review.

Grahan Season 1 Episode 3 story Explanation

  • Bani(Santosh wife) wants to tell everything to Amrita. But Pushpa( Sunjay wife) is showing her eyes, and gesturing to dont say anything. Meanwhile police officer Durga Prasad reached there, and now he’s the incharge of the Santosh case. DIG sir handovered this case to Durga Prasad.
  • Durga Prasad take Bani with him for interogation. Because they make Santosh case as a sucidal case.

In the next scene Rishi is burning all goods of Manu, her letter, her pictures, and everything which is related from Manu & Bokaro. Moreover he’s looking at fire. Meanwhile Amrita recieved a call, there has been a fire on her house.

Amrita reahed in her house, and she safe her father from there. Rishi was scaring, after that he says to Amrita, he has left Bokaro many years ago. So that is why he burnt every memories related to Bokaro. Rishi is realising 1984 Bokaro riots, in which he had involved. Now Rishi is forcing Amrita, to settle in Canada, but now she linked with this case, so she deny her dad, that she don’t want to go from here, until she get full truth.

Now We See Past Story –

Rishi, Chapra, and Chunu is going to attend a marriage, Manu and her family is there. Rishi is talking to Manu, after that Chunu get understand Rishi and Manu likes each other. Rishi’s friend Chapra is too like Manu. In this marriage Chunu is again provoking the guset against Sardar.

  • One day Rishi & Manu go to Ranchi, for attend Manu’s exam. In the next scene PM-Indira gandhi’s seminar, Chunu meet to Kedar Singh. Chunu wants to get entry in election party, after that Kedar Singh said him, that he’ll definitely help him.
  • After that when Manu’s exam get over, Rishi and Manu fights with each other. Because Manu wrote many false answer, in her exam. Now Manu is going to alone in her house Bokaro, Rishi is running behind the train, But Manu is angry on him. So finally she met to Rishi in other station and here they both are confessing their love.

Present Timeline –

Amrita, DIG, & Vikas is going in a wedding ceremony, where they met to leader Sunjay Singh & CM-Kedar Singh. After that Sunjay meet to Amrita, because he know, that she is the incharge of SIT inquiry. Where he’s asking how is your investigation is going? And she reply its good.

Meanwhile Rishi reached there, and here Rishi and Sunjay confront. Rishi is scaring to see Sunjay(Chunnu) in front of him, then Amrita take him from there. But Sunjay understood, he’s Rishi.

And The Episode 3 Ends Here.

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