This webseries is based on Marathi novel named Samantar. Samnatar is MX Original series it has 9 episodes. Furthermore Swwapnil joshi is seen as the central character Kumar Mahajan. You may check here Samantar Season 1 Episode 1 Story Explanation. Moreover you can find here another movies review.
In the starting of the episode we see a main character of the series “Kumar Mahajan”, he’s married and his wife name is Neema, and they have a six year old baby. Kumar best-friend name is Sharad. He looked upset everytime, because he think, that his luck is responsible for his bad condition.
Kumar Salary is not enough for his family expanses, altogether in his daily routine he suffered some probleam in a day. Therefore his best-friend Sharad helped him to fix his meeting with a BABA. BABA can see the future of anyone. But Kumar is an atheist, So he’s not beleiving on BABA.
Meanwhile Baba disclose some incident related his past, after that Kumar get socked to hear, and he started to beleive on him. Therefore Kumar is showing his palm, to the BABA, and asking his future?
When Baba looked in his hand, he flares up, and said to him – He have seen this hand palm before. Baba is saying 33years ago he met a guy and his name is Sudarshan Chakrapani. Consequently Chakrapani’s line on the palm of the hand and horoscope is matching with Kumar’s palm line. After that Baba is denying to speak his future truth to Kumar. Baba is saying Chakrapani’s past incident will be Kumar’s future.
Samantar Season 1 Episode 1 Story Explanation
Meanwhile Kumar receive a call from his wife Neema, where she’s saying their child injured in a road accident. So now Kumar is saying to admit him, in a hospital. But they don’t have money. Therefore Kumar borrow 2lakh from a guy, and he gave him money because after that Kumar will pass his tender.
But this guy has sent by Kumar boss, to check Kumar loyality trowards his office. After this fraud and Kumar’s dishonesty, his boss fired him from his job.
Samantar Season 1 Episode 1 Story Explanation
And The Episode 1 Ends Here.
- You will read here Samantar Sesaon 2.
- Mimi Movie full review and story.
- Get here Hostel Daze season 2 Explanation.