At the end of Episode 10 we have seen that how J’s paa give him an advice to leave Avinash. Furthermore Avinash is most close to his paa, But after that J thought everyone is using him as a Band-aid. So he decide to turn Ravan head 10 emotions into his strength. J always protect Avinash, But why J is choosing this way to trouble Avinash like this? To know all about that read Breathe InTo The Shadows Season 1 Episode 11 Story Explanation. Furthermore You Can Check Here Breathe : InTo The Shadows Web Series Review.
“Breathe InTo The Shadows Season 1 Episode 11 Story Explanation”
- Here in the first scene of this Episode J’s past story is going. Where he is saying – I always took Avinash every pain, and he never realised about those pain. But know I am the one who needs him now, Because Avinash possesses the talent to play with people’s emotions and to manipulate them. So now he’ll use his talent to destroy each head of Ravan.
- Furthermore he is creating a new place, a new world, where Avinash will have to do as J say. Where he is making a horrible mask for his face, and making his all setup.
“Fake Limp”
- In present story Kabir is trying to solve the death mystrey, and connection in between all victims.
- Now Meghna is leaving the city and want to shift Canada with her aunty. She inform Kabir about that, where Kabir comes to meet her, and she is in the hospital where she is taking an advice from doctor for his legs injury.
- Moreover Kabir is with her, suddenly he asked to doctor – If someone has a probleam in their leg, can it be fake? like a fake limp? Where he show some picture of limping footprints to doctor.
- Doctor reply – Doctor is saying its hard to describe in a picture like its fake limping or not, But some inconsistency is sown in the image like in the first image his leg is tilted outward at a certain angle. But in the next picture his leg is tilted at a different angle. So it will be the possibility its a fake limp, because if you have a limp, & it’s natural then it should show consistently in your walk.
“Kabir Suspects On Avinash”
- Now Kabir is trying to find Avinash previous data, where he goes to meet to his wife Abha in her hotel. Where Abha is on duty, but Kabir wants to take 5minutes of her – Where Kabir is putting many question but Abha is replying him very confidently.
- Kabir asked him – where you met to Avinash?
- Abha – I met in Delhi, he was from Nainital and I was from banglore. I just finished my management course and he just finished his internship in pyschatrisht degree.
“Kabir Health Issue” Breathe InTo The Shadows Season 1 Episode 11 Story Explanation
When Kabir get ready to return his home from hotel, suddenly he feel dizziness and he get unconscious. Next day he saw in the hospital. Where doctor mentioned that Kabir’s discharge is a few days away. He is not in a good condition.
When JaiPrakash inform this news with his senior officers, then Zeba tells to his head – Sir I think the timing is right, Due to Kabir hospitalization, we can take this case away from him citing health reasons.
- Then JaiPrkash go to hospital and says to Kabir –Sir you ‘re looking fit now, Furthermore you are sick but i want to give you some bad news. Sir they are taking the case away from you and giving it to Zeba ma’am.
- Where Kabir answer him – This case is mine, and it will stay mine, and I’ll solve it.

“Nainital Connection”
- Now Kabir is investigating from hospital where he tells to his staff just go and take the details of all victim. Finally Kabir get the result and he notice one thing is common in all victims, they were linked from Nainital in their past, and Avinash was also live in Nainital. Like in Pritpal case he went Nainital for honeymoon, 2nd Natasha – she was always visit Nainital in her holidays of school to met her grand parents, and 3rd one is Angad who is from Nainital.
- So finally Kabir decide to go Nainital, his health is not good so he didnt inform anyone like he is going.

And The Episode End’s Here.
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