Tandav Season 1 Episode 2 Story Explanation In English

You Can Get here An Astonishing Vindication In Story Of Tandav Season 1 Episode 2 Story Explanation In English

Tandav TV Series

At the end of Episode 1 we have seen that how Samar Prtap Singh has killed his father Devki Nandan Singh. Only Because to get throne of his father. So he added some ackonite in his father’s drink. Then Devki Nandan has died. So now who will be the next PM of country? To know all about that read Tandav Season 1 Episode 2 Story Explanation In English. Furthermore you can watch Tandav full web series in Amazon Prime with subtitles.

“Tandav Season 1 Episode 2 Story Explanation In English”


In the first scene of this episode The news of Devki Nandan got viral – Devki Nandan has sccumbed to a heart attack. So now Mr. Devki Nandan’s postmorterm will be conducted soon in IICMS Hospital. Because Samar have already made a plan of Devki Nandan death, So he fixed his doctor and reporter. So the doctor confirm postmorterm report of Devki he has sccumbed to a heart attack and media reporter spread this news like a fire.

Now here in the next scene Shiva and his team is worrying about his friend.

  • Shiva – Is anyone talking about our news?
  • Lawyer – It is non-bailable. They have booked Imran under UAPA act. Normally, terrorists are booked under this act.
  • Shiva – Sana! Have you spoken to Imran’s mother?
  • Sana – Yes! I did. Two boys from their village are also missing after police firing. Furthermore their names aren’t mentioned in the police report either.
  • Then Shiva tells to their team now we have to take another step to save Imran, otherwise he could be the next target of police encounter.

Here in the next scene Samar Prtap Singh and all party member and entire nation is doing prepration of Devki Nandan fuenral. Where Gopal Das silently said to Samar. I want to talk to you personally.

“Gopal Das Wants To Be See Himself As Next PM”

  • Gopal Das – I know, Now is not the right time to talk about this. But we have no other option. Delaying this talk, will only create confusion. So the point is here I think You wish to be the prime – minister and so do I. Moreover I am your senior by 20 years, you might not become the PM without my support. And I cant deny that I’ll need your support to become the PM as well.
  • Samar – Uncle ! In my father’s absense, You’re our party’s most senior leader. So you’re almost like a father to me.We’ll do, whatever you say is right.
  • After that Gopal Das cried in front of Samar and goes from there.

Now Samar decide to meet with Vikram. Who is the party member,

  • Now Samar offered Railway ministry to Vikram. But further more Samar need a small favor from Vikram. After that Vikram get ready to do his work.
  • After some time this news got viral on TV news channel- Merely a few hours after Mr.Devki Nandan’s death, JLD’s president , Mr.Gopal Das has already started lobbying for the position of India’s next PM. Because Gopal Das has contacted many JLD leaders and asked for the support himself. JLD’s premier regional leaders Vikram Singh has verify this news.

“Shiva Find A Proof” Tandav Season 1 Episode 2 Story Explanation In English

All media reporter and news channel is busy in Devki Nandan news. So VNU students personally visiting reporter’s house to show the news of Malakpur in news channel, they are saying the two person from the Malakpur village are missing, and the sources confirmed police encountered them. Finally one of them reporter agree to show their news but she need a proof.

  • So Shiva and his team has decided to create all darama again. Shiva went Malakpur village and tells to farmer as you did yesterday, please do same thing again, because I am shooting a video of your protesting. After that Sana started shoot the video. They all have acted same as yesterday situation.
  • After that Shiva post his video in his personl twitter handle. Where he show the real face of police how they encountered two farmer without any reasons.

And The Episode Ends Here.

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