The Last Hour Season 1 Episode 5 Explanation In English

The Last Hour Season 1 Episode 5 Explanation In English – You’ll Get Here An Amazing Kind Of Crammed & Thriller Murder Mystrey & Suspence.

The Last Hour Season 1 TV Series

At the end of The Last Hour Season 1 Episode 4 we have seen that Yama-Nadu is hiding in Dev huts. Because this is the safest place where police can’t find him. Moreover Yama-Nadu find Pari sketch, there and he wants to take revenge from Dev. Because Dev ruined his eyes so he can’t see the future of anyone. To know more about the show read The Last Hour Season 1 Episode 5 Explanation In English. Moreover click here to check the review of “The Last Hour”.

The Last Hour Season 1 Episode 5 Explanation In English

  • In the first scene now Arup got one more death news. He again take Dev with him, when they went in death place, a girl named Meera died there. But this time Arup deny Dev to check what happened with Meera.
  • But Dev still again perform his ritual, Because here he can meet Pari in past. where he saw Meera’s boyfreind Tapan was killing her. During this time, when he’s in past he goes to meet Pari.
  • Where Pari is saying to Dev – I told you many time don’t meet me here, if you want to meet me, then talk to me in real world. Then Pari tells him today is my dance show, so please come there.

When Pari was talking to Dev, Pari’s driver look her, he think – She’s talking to herself.

  • In the next scene Arup is doing investigation from his side, where Meera’s boyfriend Tapan come there. He’s saying that Yama-Nadu killed Meera, but after casual talk with Tapan, Arup understood he’s lying.
  • When Dev awake he said Arup same thing, that her boyfriend killed Meera.
  • When Pari goes to her college, Pintu ask her for coffee, But she deny to go with him. Then Pintu asked her- I know you love Loki. But Pari reply –Loki is not my secret love and he’s not of my kind.
  • In the next scene Dev doesn’t want to risk Pari’s life. Because Yama-Nadu is killing all who’s near to Dev. So he burn her all sketch, and decide to leave from there. Meanwhile he again saw Nyima in front of him, when he followed her, She took Dev in Pari’s college.
  • Pari is busy in her dance show, and Dev’s looking to her from the forum’s window.

“Pari’s Death Mystrey”

When Pari’s dance show get over, she find Dev outside there, she confess her love for Dev. But Dev didn’t accept her, and decide to go from there. Meanwhile Pari get angry and she throw her phone on Dev head, and Dev head start bleeding.

  • After some time Pari realised he did wrong with Dev. So she called him, and said that she wants to go with him. Then Dev said her okay I am waiting for you in bus stand.
  • After that Pari”s driver come there, and said Arup wants to meet you.

When Dev and Driver reached there, Dev find Arup near Pari’s dead body.

And The Episode Ends Here.

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