The Last Hour Season 1 Episode 1 Explanation In English

The Last Hour Season 1 Episode 1 Explanation In English – You’ll Check Here A Kind Of Crammed & Thriller Murder Mystrey.

The Last Hour Season 1 TV Series

The Last Hour is an Indian supernatural crime thriller web series. Moreover The story of “The Last Hour” is based on supernatural power. Where some people of North-East, is consisting a special power, they can talk to spirits of dead people. To know more about the show read The Last Hour Season 1 Episode 1 Explanation In English. Altogether before that read “The Last Hour” Tv Series Starcast & Important Role Of Theirs. Moreover click here to check the review of “The Last Hour”.

The Last Hour Season 1 Episode 1 Explanation In English

  • In the starting of Episode one girl with her driver are going to visit in North-East from Kolkata. Meanwhile on the way one paranormal man, stop their car, and said her – The death is surounding here, So please don’t go ahead. But she ignored him, and follow her path.
  • Arup, he’s police officer, in Mumbai, but after his wife Nyima’s death, he decided to transfer in North-East, to find peace in mountains. Furthermore he have a single daughter Pari. So now Pari and Arup has shifted in North-East.
  • When Arup go to police station, his commisoner officer welcome him, in North-East. Moreover after some casual talk commisioner handover a murder case to Arup. The murder of a girl.
  • Now Arup reach in that place, where was the girl dead body. The girl is same, who was from Kolkata, and her name is Arzu, she was bengoli actress. After investigation Lipika find Arzu’s jwellery, some cash, approximately 5 to 6lakh are missing from her car.
  • Moreover after some time, they find Arzu’s driver dead body there.

Is Arup Wife Nyima Alive?

  • In the next scene Dev, who shoot the arrow, with his closed eye. Dev lived in a small hut with his brother Joe, They don’t live permanantly in one place. Because Dev is escaping, to save his life, but he doesn’t inform Joe, why they’re escaping one place to another place.
  • When Dev was doing his practice, of arrow shoot, he saw a lady in red saree,(Lady is Nyima, who’ has died). Now Dev is running behind this lady, when she reached in one bridge there, she suddenly disappear from there.
  • But Dev saw other girl there, who’s trying to sucide from the bridge, and this girl is “Pari”. Pari is hearing some voice, like someone is forcing her to do sucide from here. Meanwhile Dev stopped her. Then she go from there.
  • In the next scene, Police is searching, some evidence of Arzu’s death. So they reached in that jungle where Dev lived. Rana and one more Cops is searching saprately from Lipika, & Arup.
  • After that Arup, Lipika, heard a gun shot, Doma and Dev is too heard that gun fired shot. When they all reach in that place, from where they heard a sound. Arup and Lipika find one more dead body there, after search the place Arup find 2nd dead body of Joe(Dev’s younger brother). When Arup comes near to check his body, then Joe suddenly awake and say something in Arup ear.

The Shaman

  • Now Doma and Dev reached there, Doma find her father dead body, and Dev looked her brother dead body there. Arup is making Dev understand and saying that the cops find your brother and Doma’s father to count some dollar.
  • Then Dev replied him – My brother is not a robber. After that Dev illuminate a candle, and descend a locket from his neck, and put these things in next to his brother Joe, and then Dev sleep in next to his brother, to keep Joe hand in his hand. Dev is a shaman (Jhakhri),  he has the power to go back in time for one hour and witness the victim’s death.
  • Now Dev is talking with Joe’s spirit, where Joe show him, how he died.

  • When Dev open his eyes, he sketch that man image, who killed Joe. And the image he sketched of Rana(Police inspector). Dev tells Arup what Joe said at the last moment to Arup, and then Arup started to beleive on him.
  • After that Dev shooted arrow on Rana, but Rana fired back on Dev. Meanwhile Rana died.

And The Episode 1 End’s Here.

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