Special Ops Season 1 Episode 2 Story Explanation In English

Special Ops Season 1 Episode 2 Story Explanation In English – So You’ll Get Here The Truth About The Case.

Special Ops Season 1 TV Series

At the end of Special Ops Season 1 Episode 1 we have seen that Himmat Singh is under inquiry. Because of miscellaneous expenses of 28 crores incurred in the last 11 years. So where he told he need spend money to manage his Agents in different-2 country. To know more about the show read Special Ops Season 1 Episode 2 Story Explanation In English. Moreover click here to check Special Ops review.

“Special Ops Season 1 Episode 2 Story Explanation In English”

Farooq Ali (Himmat Singh Agent) is calling him and saying – Sir, I have found Ikhlaq Khan. This evening, I was with Ismail Khan. So he told me that Hafiz received a call from his boss. He’s in Saudi and planning to do something in India. Furthermore more I am absolutely sure that their boss is none other than Ikhlaq Khan. Then Himmat Singh Answer –Ismail Khan didn’t mention Ikhlaq Khan is his boss. So we can’t be too sure.

Now Himmat Singh comes to his 2nd day of enquiry –

  • D.K.Banarjee is asking – Your expenses were normal till 2008, But from december 2008 your expenses shot up. Tell me who’s Farooq Ali, and what is he doing in the UAE for the last ten years?

Now Story turn in past time of 2008 –

  • Police caught a man named Guddu, because he was betting in Chandni Chowk, about a major mishap that will take place in Mumbai.
  • Himmat is interogating Guddu, where he’s saying – Sir, something big is about to happen in Mumbai like a major blast. Some people from Pakistan, my cousin stays near the India- Pakistan border he told me this.
  • Himmat – Which route will they take?
  • Guddu reply – They said the terrorists will take the waterway to enter Mumbai.

In November 2008, during the attack on Taj, Aj,al Amir Kasab got caught. From the side of RAW, Himmat Singh sent Mumbai to interogate AJ Al Amir Kasab.

  • Now Himmat Singh is asking question to Amir Kasab – Tell me about your training?
  • Then Amir Kasab reply – Our training regimen was tough, because we can’t have afforded to make a mistake like the last time. The attack on your Parliament house. We were taught more rigorous than the army. We must kill as many people as possible and hold them hostages for as long as possible. That’s what our training was like.
  • Himmat ask – Are your boss name is Ikhlaq Khan? Anyone by that name?
  • Amir Kasab answer – No I don’t know because I speak commander to our boss. But your style resembles that of our commander, you’re just like him. whenever we met him either we’d be blindfolded or his face would be covered. But Wasim Karachiwala he always follow our commander decison.

Now Story Turn in Present –

  • Where Himmat Singh is saying to inquiry team – Wasim Karachiwala was on our radar for quite long.
  • D.K.Banarjee reply – What was Wasim Karachiwala got to do with this inquiry? The only thing we asked was who’s Farook Ali?
  • Himmat Singh reply – Sir Operation Smiley was Farooq Ali’s first operation.

“Operation Smiley”

That is relted to “Wasim”, who have caught by Farooq Ali and my other agents.

  • In this operation, When Wasim Karachiwala’s group faced a shortage of money. In this situation one of our agents spread a rumour that’s a businessman from Saudi wants to give Kasab reward of Rs-5lakh. After seventh day a few people came to our agents shop and took him away. When the blindfold was removed form our Agent’s eyes he couldn’t believe he was in front of Wasim. Wasim asked him who wants to reward Kasab? then my agent call me and then I was talking to “Wasim”.
  • Wasim gave me false assurance and I accepted his false assurance. In less than two hours, the money was sent to him through the hawala network. We assigned another person to spy on him.
  • On 14th , 15th of every month “Wasim” goes to Dubai, he has a tight security cover. When Wasim come back to airport to board the return flight my agent Farooq Ali caught him. Moreover this is his first assignment.

Moreover the 2nd day of Himmat Singh inquiry ended.

And The Episode Ends Here.

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