November Story Season 1 Ending Story Explanation In English (Episode 7).

“November Story” Season 1 Ending Story Explanation In English (Episode 7) – You’ll Get Here An Amazing Way Of Thriller.

November Story TV Series

At the end of November Story Season 1 Episode 6 we have seen that, Mathi is Yesu’s daughter. Moreover Mathi’s mental health is not good. But Yesu is doing her treatment by himself, furthermore Neeta knew he’s Autopsy Doctor, still he’s doing her treatment. Why Ganesan in every 16Nov always go in his old house? To know more about the show read November Story Season 1 Ending Story Explanation In English (Episode 7). Moreover click here to check reviews of November Story Tv-Series.

November Story Season 1 Ending Story Explanation In English (Episode 7).

  • Now Story turns in Past – story start from 16 Nov 1995 bus accident, where Yesu did autopsy of all passanger. After that one women body comes there, her body was found in bushes, so no one can seen her before. And the woman is Anu’s mother, at that time she’s pregnant.
  • When suddenly the women get conscious, her delivery pain start, but her head is bleeding, so she said to Yesu, do her delivery with cesarean, if she’s forcing herself, her head is bleeding more. Then she gave a birth to Mathi.
  • In the next scene we see the past story – Where Savitri is saying to Yesu, to change Mathi’s doctor for better treatment. Moreover, Yesu is now thinking, Savitri didn’t say anything before like this, that mean someone is manupilating her.
  • Where next side Neeta, did Mathi’s blood test, where she found her report, that she was born healthy. That mean Yesu is intentionally giving her false medicine.
  • Now we know why Yesu is giving her these medicines. Yesu is scaring, because he think if Mathi growth healthy, then one day she can leave Yesu, she’ll marriage. So for that Yesu is providing her false medicine to get her mental health worse. Then she can always live with Yesu.
  • In the next scene we saw, Yesu killed Neeta, and then he did her autopsy, and made her fake report, that three boys Sandeep, Ahemad, and Binod her classmate raped her and then killed her.

Who is Mathi’s real father?

  • But Sandeep, Ahemad, Binod and the hacker was friend of Neeta, so they want to help Neeta. Therefore Savitri, ask for their help to save Mathi’s life. They’re thinking Mathi is not Yesu’s daughter, because no parents can do like this with their child. So they decide to find Mathi’s real parents.
  • Moreover they find who’s Mathi’s real parents. that’s why they want to hacked the system to get an exact adress of Ganesan house. Beacuse Mathi is Ganesan’s younger daughter, and her mom Sudar died after ceserian.

In the next scene Inspector Sudalai has found all truth. Then he go to arrest Yesu but he’s escaped with Mathi.

  • Now Chitra called Anu that Ganesan locked her in one room. Then Anu go there, but they find Ganesan is not there. Ganesan always write an adress and his imp things on wall to memorise that thing again. So now Anu see Mathi’s adress on wall.
  • Now she go there, where she saw, Yesu tied Ganesan on one chair, yesu is exposed now so he want to kill Ganesan, because Ganesan wants to escape his daughter, from Yesu. Meanwhile Anu turned off all the electricity and hide Mathi with her.

Moreover Yesu understood that someone is here. Then he saw Mathi is not there, he find She’s with Anu. Then Ganesan Prick a knife on Yesu, But Yesu prick back the same knife on Ganesan. Meanwhile Anu take Ganesan and Mathi outside the room, and locked Yesu inside there.

November Story Book

Now Ganesan is saying to Anu – I wrote a book half, I want you finish that book story. Then Ganesan died, meanwhile Yesu died. Now we see the next scene where Anu completed her dad book and the book name is “November Story”.

And The Season 1 Of November Story Ends Here.

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