Maharani Season 1 Episode 8 Story Explanation

“Maharani” Season 1 Episode 8 Story Explanation – “Wicked Spotlight”

Maharani TV Series

Maharani Season 1 Episode 7
we have seen that Bheema & His all MLA is not looking happy from Rani strategy. They’re thinking if this will be continue for long, then it’ll be the cause of Party disintegration. Moreover you can find here another movies review. Read here Maharani Season 1 Episode 8 Story Explanation.

Even got rejected from his service, Parvesh is still investigating the scam of 958crore. Parvesh got an adress who’s involving in this scam. But when he reach there, with his man, he find a broken, damage house. House owner name is Imla Devi, and all funds has deducted from her name. When Parvesh meet to her, he find she’s abnormal. He try to ask her then finally she reply her boss forced her for thumbprint in some document. Meanwhile Parvesh understood, someone is using her.

In the next scene, Kuwar Singh in the jail finally disclose who tried to kill CM-Bheema. Now DGP inform Rani, that Mukund Singh Bihari tried to kill Bheema.

Day by day Bheema, is getting well, now Rani inform him, Mukund Bihari tried to kill you. Mukund Singh Bihari is the Sage, and all poitician worked under him.

  • Bheema is now going to meet Governer Mahamahim and asking him – Why you tried to kill me? Then he reply you’re belongs to lower caste, and you was working above your status. Moreover your goverment will disintegrate soon, because opposition party is conducting 118 MLA.
  • Bheema is threatning him, if you’ll not support our party then I will leak this information on media.

Maharani Season 1 Episode 8 Story Explanation

Rani set his next target to arrest “Sage Baba” and she’s taking help of DGP again. Meanwhile Bheema deny to arrest BABA, because he’s very popular, and many of the politician work under him.

  • Parvesh is following Imla Devi’s son, because he’s suspecting on him, when Parvesh grab and threat him, he speak the all truth. That baba is involving all this mess.
  • In the next scene we find that the “Sage Baba” is helping Mukhya and providing him the fight weapons, like guns, bullets etc. Now they’re planning to escape Kuwar Singh from the jail.

And The Episode Ends Here.

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