Candy, the thriller web series. Web Series is based on a story by Agrim Joshi and Debojit Das Purkayastha. Furthermore “Candy” is set in the fictional town of Rudrakund in Uttarkhand. Main star cast is – Ronit Bose Roy; Richa Chadha; Manu Rishi Chadha; Gopal Datt; Nakul Roshan Sahdev; Riddhi Kumar. To know about the Episode 01 read here “Candy” Web Series Season 1 Episode 1 Story Explanation In English. Moreover you can find here another movies review.
In the strating of this Episode Ronit Roy who is playing role of Jayanth. He is sinking inside a frozen lake. Where he is thinking this is his last minutes and now he never reveal the truth secrets of Rudrakund.
Now Story Turns In Flashbacks ( 1months ago) –
Now we see –DSP Ratna and Atmanath, they find a dead body in a jungle hanging in tree, and victim name is Mehul. After that Atmanath tells to Ratna – I am sure Mashan has came back after four year.
Scene shifted and we see, Jayant and his wife is going to Rudrakund. But a lady in white gown comes in front of their car. Due to this Jayanth tried to safe her life and his car get disbalanced, and they suffered a little accident. Jayant wife is carrying a white stone and treating stone as her daughter.
In the next scene we see a guy and his name is Mani-Ranawat furthermore he is MLA of Rudrapur. Behind the death mystrey of Mehul, Mani -Ranawat son is involved. and Atmanath is helping Mani-Ranawat to save from this case. In return he is providing him lots of money.
Now Jayanth see the dead body of Mehul; and start to scream there. Because he is mentor of Mehul, moreover his english teacher.
- In the next scene we see three guys 1.Imran, 2.Sanju, 3.John, they are looking worried. Because they are Mehul’s friend, and the death night of Mehul they was with him.
- DSP Ratna comes there for investigation, here she find Mehul photograph with one girl. Girls name is Kalki, and she is best friend of Mehul. But she has disappeared somewhere. Therefore Ratna threat them, because they are suspicious in this case.
- When they go from there Imran make a call to a guy who is looking in a rabbit mask, where Imran is saying to him – DSP Ratna take Candy with her.
Now we see a girl Ritu in a college and she is threatning a girl named Shahiba, and bully her to don’t speak any single word in front of police.
Candy Web Series Season 1 Episode 1 Story Explanation In English
And The Episode Ends Here.