"Money Heist Season 1 Episode 12 Story Explanation In Hindi"

You’ll See An Intresting, Gigantic Energize Jeopardy On Robbers In -Money Heist Season 1 Episode 12 Story Explanation In English & Hindi

Money Heist money heist season 1 TV Series

At the end of Money Heist Season 1 Episode 11 we have seen that Raquel is now suspecting on Salva. So she pointed a gun on him and said to take her in their cider shop, where he is living. How will Professor manage all things now? To know more about the show read Money Heist Season 1 Episode 12 Story Explanation In English & Hindi. Moreover click here to check Money Heist season 1.

“Money Heist Season 1 Episode 12 Story Explanation In English & Hindi”

  • Now Professor brings Raquel in their cider shop. Raquel is inspecting his shop, But professor is very sharp. So he prepared everything in advance. When Raquel search there she find nothing. Then she appologise and feel embarrassed. After that she kissed Salva, and they physically comes together.

  • Angel gives the coffee spoon of Salva to match the fingerprints on the car. Then he received a call – I ran the prints you found on the car and on the spoon you gave me, they matched. Whoever touched that spoon broke into the police car. So now Angel know the professor truth, then she call to Raquel. But she didn’t receive his call because she is busy with Salva. Angel is now full on drunk and driving his car. He try Raquel’s mom number and Sending the recorded messages to Raquel.

  • The man who was found in the Junkyard, the man who was inside the cops car, the man who reached in pharmacy shop was Salva. I matched his finger print moreover he’s using you . After that Angel car accident occur on the spot.
  • In the next scene Arturo is planning with other 16 hostages to escape the basement door. When Arturo goes to take Monica, he find Monica and Denver is physically loving each other. Arturo get angry and then Arturo and Denver started to fight. In which Arturo try to scissor attack on Denver.
  • But then he realised what he done with Denver. He asked for sorry but Denver ask him – Give me a reason why should I live you alive?
  • Arturo scared – He said please sorry ! All has done accidentally but I can give you some important lead. 16 hostages are escaping the basement.

“Hostages Run Away”

  • Now Denver shared this news with all robbers and they all run on the side of basement. But till then the hostages t exposed the door, and some hostages run away from there. Then the police outside the mint comes there and attacked on robbers. They fired gun on robbers meanwhile Tokyo take machine gun and all cops run away from the place. Then they close the door and weld the door very fast.
  • But in this war the gun fired on the head of Oslo, and he’s in comma.

Now Professor is seeing all this in his control room, finally he take a relax breath. In the next side Raquel see Angel news on TV and then she reached in hospital.

And The Episode Ends Here.

“Money Heist Season 1 Episode 12 Story Explanation In Hindi”

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