The Married Woman Season 1 Episode 3 Story Explanation

The Married Woman Season 1 Episode 3 Story Explanation -“Wondrous Way Of Love Beyond Gender”

The Married Woman TV Series

The Married Woman Season 1 Episode 2 we have seen that, Ashtha confess her love, But Ejaj deny to accept her. Because he loves to Piplika, After that Ashtha felt sorry. At the end we saw, that Ejaj has died, in bomb blast. How will Piplika and Ashtha’s life turn ahead without their loves one. To make your continuity in show, read The Married Woman Season 1 Episode 3 Story Explanation. Moreover you’ll get here IMDB review of The Married Woman.

The Married Woman Season 1 Episode 3 Story Explanation

Now we see, Ashtha’s life is going same as before, home to college, and college to home. But Ashtha is very upset, but she’s hiding her pain in front of her family, and behaving normally.

  • One day a party oragnised by Hemant, in his house. Where his friend is asking to him, why Ashtha is looking upset from you? Then Hemant reply when last time he arrived from Tokyo, Ashtha found some condom in his bag, that is why she’s looking angry. Here we can see, that Hemant didn’t feeling any guilt still he’s saying that Ashtha should be thankful of him.
  • Because Ashtha have a husband like him, he provide her every facilities, what she want.

After that Hemant and his friend start to discuss about Ejaj death.

  • Now we see, Ashtha’s sister-in-law “Named Babu“, she lived in America. But her daughter Pimsi just came from America, and she’s living in Hemant’s house.
  • One day Pimsi met to Mudatsar, she met him in Ejaj Condolence meeting. Mudatsar was Ejaj student, and he was playing a role of Romeo in play. Pimsi and Mudatsar loves to each other. Moreover now they want to marry but their riligion is different.
  • So Hemant’s family is denying for this marriage.

Here we see again entry, of Piplika. After Ejaj death, she felt alone, all the time, and she look an Opiate all the time. Then one fine day Mudatsar meet to Piplika and said her about Pimsi. Mudatsar is saying, that Pimsi family is not getting agree with this relation, and they want to marry. Then Piplika answer him that she’ll help them.

Piplika & Ashtha Shared Their Felling About Ejaj

Now Piplika help Mudatsar and Pimsi, then they quietly get married. When Hemant and his family get aware that Pimsi got married with Mudatsar, and Piplika helped them. Hemant, decide to go in Piplika house with Ashtha, and then there he start to shout on Piplika. Meanwhile Ashtha make him quite and then they go from there.

  • One day, in college, Ashtha’s principal said to her, that Ejaj half payment is pending to give him. So she said to Ashtha, you have to go in Ejaj house, and give his family the payment of his play.

Now Ashtha goes to Ejaj house, and she again meet to Piplika. Ashtha gives the pending fee of Ejaj to Piplika. Then Ashtha told to Piplika, Ejaj was always of your’s, and he was loved you very much. Piplika reply to Ashtha that she’s very embarrassed, because she suspicious on Ejaj, and this is the reason why they was fought all the time.

After that Ashtha hugs to Piplika.

And The Episode 3 Ends Here.

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