At the end of Episode 03 we have seen that Abhishek bought a new cushioned seat wheel chair. But the groom Ganesh took Abhishek chair with him. Hence Abhishek is looking anxious. So now how long will Abhishek tolerate these all things? To know all about that read Panchayat Season 1 Episode 4 Story Explanation.
Panchayat Season 01 Episode 04 Story Explanation In English
“Hamara Neta Kaisa Ho”
In the first scene of this Episode block BDO is making a call for Abhishek and asking him- Tell me Mr.Abhishek did you get the job done or not? if you don’t done today then we’ll have to take disciplinary action against you today. Then Abhishek reply – don’t worry sir, I’ll get the job done today.
Abhishek is instructed by the BDO to put up family planning slogans.
“Slogen” Panchayat Season 01 Episode 04 Story Explanation In English
Abhishek is giving an instruction to painter. he is writing slogen on the wall.
- Slogen =” Two children are as sweet as pudding more than that can be painful like piles”
- In village who have more than two kids taking reaction against slogen. They are thinking Prdhan ji and Abhishek calling their 3rd baby pile. Villagers tells to Abhishek – Please get rid of these slogans.
- Abhishek – I can’t these are official orders.
- Villagers – That means according to you our third and four children are piles.Go and tell prdhan sir that he won’t get a single vote from my family in the next elections.
This puts Pradhan in a tough position since they all threaten to vote against him at the next election.
- Prdhan say to Abhishek – Mr.Secretary, please talk to the BDO sir. Try to explain to him the situation.
- Abhishek – What i do sir? If i don’t follow the order, then i’ll face disciplinary action. I can lose my job Prdhan sir.
- Prdhan – you will lose your job but i might lose my seat as the chief. So what is more important? your job or my seat? BDO sir will understand go and make him understand.

“Abhishek And BDO Sir” Panchayat Season 1 Episode 4 Story Explanation
Next day Abhishek and Vikas goes to BDO office.
- Abhishek – Prdhan sir isn’t letting me write it. Then now what should i do sir?
- BDO – fine then, If DM madam asks I’ll tell her Phulera panchayat secretary isn’t fit to do the job.
- Abhishek – Sir if you think I am unable to explain them then why dont you try explaining him.
- BDO – Why should I explain to him. He’s your chief, you explain to him.
- Abhishek – But sir, the villagers have objection with the word “piles”. So can we use something different.
- BDO – We intentionally put that word there, so people feel offended. DM madam is worried about the growing population of our countary. This slogen will touch people’s heart . So go and explain Prdhan sir.
Prdhan sir let’s rewrite that slogen otherwise the DM madam will take disciplinary action on us.
Now manju devi say to Prdhan ji if you are scared then do one thing, write my name under the slogen.
Next day in the morning Prdhan ji make a call to Abhishek and tells him – Call a meeting of all the ward members today.
- Now Prdhan and all ward member with secretary are doing a meeting – Prdhan say we’re supporting this slogen because it’s absolutely right.
- Ward Member – Are you taking this decision because of the pressure from DM madam? Because this can cause trouble in the upcoming elections.
- Prdhan – No, this is my personal decision. You all don’t worry if anyone asks then you can say that this is my decision and you have nothing to do with it.
- Then Prhalad , Vikas, and Abhishek support Prdhan ji.
Abhishek is explaining all ward member – If anyone objects while you are explaining them and they don’t understand then you can definitely give them example just like the warning message on cigarette packets. Similarly, these slogans are made this way to make you feel bad. So that the right message is conveyed to the people.
“BDO Sir Is Calling Again”
- Abhishek tell him – hello sir, Prdhan sir and all ward member has agreed.
- BDO – Congratulations. But that slogen is not mandatory right now.
- Abhishek – Why ? What happened sir?
- BDO – Nothing special. We just heard that some guy from the neighbouring village who had six kids read that slogan and got so furious that he burnt the panchayat office down. So you guys see what’s best to be done.
- Abhishek is now worrying about his Panchayat office he is asking to Prdhan – shall we stop sir? What if they burn this office down too, i sleep here all alone.
- Prdhan sir – No you just said we took the right decision, then why are you scared?
- Abhishek – Prdhan sir you’re overmotivated. Think practically.
- Prdhan – No one will lay a finger on the office. Strangely, i am feeling like sardar patel from inside.
And The Episode Ends Here.
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