Money Heist Season 3 Episode 6 Story Explanation In English & Hindi

Money Heist Season 3 Episode 6 Story Explanation In English & Hindi -Get Here An Ultimate Preposterous In Series.

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At the end of Money Heist Season 3 Episode 5 we have seen that Alicia has joined the case. Furthermore professor tells Tokyo that Rio is in Spain. However Alicia is threatning Raquel about her daughter and mother, So the result Raquel is fighting with professor. To know more about the show read Money Heist Season 3 Episode 6 Story Explanation In English & Hindi. Moreover click here to check Money Heist Season 3 review.

“Money Heist Season 3 Episode 6 Story Explanation In English & Hindi”

  • Professor is calling Palermo to asking situation Where he’s replying – We’ve done ten tons, its 10,700kg gold turned into grains.
  • In the next scene newspaper has had access to more than 100 classified documents. Spain sold cluster bombs to Saddam hussein six months before Iraq’s invasion. It’s one of the CNI’s files. A massive leak of the secrets that were kept in the Bank Of Spain.
  • Alicia make this plan, and she accused professor name, professor revealed this news,. Because this is her strategy after that spain goverment can allow her to encounter the professor.
  • Colonel get the green light from the PM, So they’re going to inject gas at an extraordinary pressure. In 30minutes, they will be unconscious.
  • “Professor is calling Palermo” – and saying forces are going in. So you all need to gather. Meanwhile professor van antina fall down and they lose the connection with the robbers, and their van tyre stuck in the mud. Now some people comes there, and they recognise Professor and Raquel.
  • But those people is helping professor to get out his van from the mud.
  • In the next scene ”Palermo” is giving an order to everyone – forces is coming inside, so we’ll going to fire them.
  • Tokyo asked – Is that order comes from Professor?
  • Palermo reply – We’ve lost contact with the Professor.
  • Tokyo is making everyone understand war will never be the plan of Professor, and we don’t know from where they coming inside. But no one heard Tokyo because they are trying to defend theirself.

“Mission Of Narcotic Gas”

  • In the next scene Professor one man who’s keeping eyes on cop’s are informing to Professor – forces’re putting tube through the ventilation pipes. Raquel understand they are using Narcotic gas, its probably halothane.
  • Now the cops is injecting the gas, from the ventilation pipes. Now they are going in, to break the ventilation. They’re five elite agents and 30 clips full of bullets.
  • Meanwhile Professor and Raquel go in their garrage and trying to contact with the robbers. Then Tokyo received call professor tells her all plan of the Cops, So now they are aware, what will going inside the bank.
  • Inside the bank all hostages fall asleep because of the gas. Agents is checking all hostages,and finding robbers.

Robber is now prepared because now they know what is going here they all are using oxygen, and taking machine guns. Now all robbers is firing on that agent. Furthermore they blocked the agents all route, and surounded them with the plastic exclusive.

“Rio Will Back”

  • Outside Colonel and Alicia is waiting for their agent. Meanwhile Professor call them – and said them robbers kidnapped the all agent if they wana out them then they have to handover Rio to Professor. I’ll give you 40 hostages and your elite commando. Now Alicia get agree with the deal.
  • In the next day Alicia introduced Rio with the front of Public.

And The Episode Ends Here.

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