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Money Heist Season 3 Episode 4 Story Explanation In English & Hindi – See An Amazing Daring Smash Of Robbers.

Money Heist money heist season 1 Money Heist season 2 Money Heist Season 3 TV Series

At the end of Episode 3 we have seen that after crossed all difficulty Nairobi reached there, where the Bank Of Spain’s Gold. Moreover governer’s bodyguard Gandia attacked on “Palermo”, piece of glass prickle in the eyes of “Palermo”. So what twist we’ll see in next? To know more about the show read Money Heist Season 3 Episode 4 Story Explanation In English & Hindi. Moreover click here to check Money Heist Season 3 review.

“Money Heist Season 3 Episode 4 Story Explanation In English & Hindi”

Now “Nairobi” with “Bogota” are going to melt all the gold of National Reserve.

  • In the next scene “Colonel” gives an order – to don’t turn on any device ,Not even a type writer, there are no secure networks not even the Army’s or the Ministry’s. Then he take their all staff phone and throw in bin. Because the Colonel make sure about that the professor is hacking them.
  • Professor is hearing all things, and scaring in less than a minute they’ll not able to see anything.
  • Now Professor calls inside the bank where he tells – you have only 14 minutes. The cops is going to skip protocols, it means they’re going in, as soon as the doors are unlocked.
  • Now robbers have only one option, to lock the door of Bank Of Spain, by the help of Dolphin(governer).
  • Professor is using 1941 technology , sortwave -No technology can inhibit such a frequency. When anyone try to hear their conversation, with the help of brodcast, in every call it can incode 2300 more layers of frequencies. So no one care hear them.
  • In the next side Colonel and his team is aware with the calls is coming from the outside in to the Bank. But they are not able to find and hear due to coding. Now Colonel order – Bring the whole technical research team to decode this.
  • All robbers is giving same dress and delly mask to hostages.

“Colonel Is Not Responding Professor”

  • Now all numbers in the camp of cops are unavailable, because Colonel drop all into the bin. But Prieto have his phone so Professor call on his number – When he receive Professor give his introduction like I am back or want to talk to incharge of the case. Then he said to Colonel – I am going to call you in one hour, by then, I’ll have released five hostages.
  • Colonel reply – In an hour I’ll be smoking a cigar in your name in the gov office.
  • Professor – Colonel I am recording this, it sounds like you don’t care about the hostages.
  • But Colonel warn him for war and didn’t response him.
  • Now the cop’s team ask Arturo to come there, when he comes there – Colonel ask him In the absence of Berlin, who do think could’ve taken charge?
  • Arturo reply Denver name because he know Colonel get to fired the incharge first. So he intentionally put his name.

“Story Turn In Flashback 5 years Ago”

Where Berlin is saying to Professor – If something goes wrong, then we will find ourselves in the worst case scenario. In which they’ll start the assault before we can open that little door. Opening that door would take a lot longer than the first one. The governer is only could do this. If we haven’t opened it before they enter, then we’re dead. The governer of the Bank Of Spain is the only one who can open that door, in three seconds.

“Story Turn In Present”

  • Now all the robbers is forcing Governer to go inside, But he’s denying to go inside. Then Denver pushed him and he get unconscious. Now they have only 1minute According to Berlin plan if governer didn’t ready to go there then one option to open that door a plastic Exclusive.
  • “Bogota” is now going inside to do a blast wave at 50 metres underwater, with the atmospheric pressure. So no one know what can happen there. Now they attach bomb on that door, and then blast.

And The Episode Ends Here.

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