Aarya is an Indian crime thriller web series, released in Hotstar platform on 19 june 2020. So this series is based on the story of mother and wife.Before going in Episode 01, read major character and starcast of this seasAarya Season 1 Episode 1 Story Explanation In English Aarya Season 1 Episode 1 Story Explanation In English.
“Aarya Season 1 Episode 1 Story Explanation In English”
“Tum Mujh Pe Bharosha Karti Ho ?”
Aarya role is playing by “Sushmita Sen”, Aarya husband name is Tej Sareen. So they have a three children Veer. Aaru and Aadi. Aadi is Aarya and Tej younger and third child. Moreover Aadi is bullying by his schoolmates and he is frustrating. When Aarya ask to Aadi – Are they bullying you again? Aadi says yes mom. Then Aarya courage him and says- The more you fear this boy, the more he’ll bully you. So please be strong.

Now Aadi is going to his school so he sit in his dad car. When he look a gun in his dad car, he carry the gun with him and put in their school bags. Now he reached school.
In the next scene of the Episode Aarya and her maternal family is preparing Aarya’s younger sister Soundarya’s marriage. When Aarya come there then she know her mother Rajeswari is not coming in her daughter marriage, due to her father extra marital affair with Aarya step mom Maya. Now Aarya is convincing her mother, But she is saying I’ll definitely comes to attend marry if Maya will not there.
Now Tej Sareen goes to his office, and they are three partners in office First is Tej, Second Tej’s brother in law Sangram, and third is Tej best friend Jawahar. They have a business of medicines and they manufacture some illegal medicines. The business is going smoothly without any risk But Sangram wants to grow more in his business. So Sangram has taken three consigments of heroins, and he want to sell them in more profit for grow the business. But Tej denies Sangram to do this. Jawahar makes him understand and take the side of Sangram. But Tej is continously denying and asking him from where you theft this consigment?
“Aadi Resticate From His School”
Tej, Sangram, and Jawahar arguing with each other, Then suddenly two man comes there and shoot the gun on them. When Tej find his gun he look his gun is not there. Meanwhile Sangram give gun to Tej, and Tej kills those two guy. Then Tej is making them understand and warning It’s not good idea to mess with the Rivals.
In the next seen Aadi schoolmate who bullyed Aadi very badly, Aadi show him a gun and threaten him. When principal know about Aadi’s misbehaviour she calls Aadi mom Aarya. Then Aarya comes there. and Principal resticate Aadi from school.
When Tej comes house at night, Aarya gets angry with him.
- She ask to him – where is your gun? do you know your gun was in Aadi’s school bag. So Now he has resticated from his school due to your carelessness. Now you decide , leave the business otherwise divorce me.
- Tej – I am leaving it but I can’t drop everything in a second, because it’s a very complicated business sweetheart.
“Sangram Got Arrested” Aarya Season 01 Episode 01 Story Explanation In English
Here in the next scene Aarya’s sister wedding ceremony is celebrating. Sangram Has found a buyer to sell those three consigments of Rivals.
Tej says to Sangram – Everyones families will fall into trouble. So please don’t risk everyone’s life. But Sangram didn’t understand. Then he goes to meet with buyers, But on the way the Sangram got arrested.
When Jawahar knew about Sangram he doubt on Tej. He said I think you trapped Sangram because you are the only one who don’t want to send Sangram for met with the buyers. Tej is covincing him, he is not involved in these things trust me. But he doesn’t trust on him and they fight with each other, meanwhile Aarya comes there and Jawahar threat Tej he will kill him.
- Tej decide to leave his business he says to Aarya – Are you ready to leave everything behind and come with me?
- Aarya – When?
- Tej – Very soon, I am working on it.
- Aarya – But where will we go?
- Tej – New Zeland.
- Aarya – Okay I’ll.
When Tej goes out from his house, and sit on his car, suddenly someone comes in a bike and attacked on him by a gun. His younger child Aadi is there and he is looking all this.
And The Episode End’s Here.
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1. Panchayat Web Series All Episode Explanations.