The Family Man Season 2 Ending Explanation In English (Episode 9)

The Family Man Season 2 Ending Explanation In English (Episode 9) – Here You Can Check An Amazing Thrilled, Of Ending Of The Season.

The Family Man Season 2 TV Series

At the end of The Family Man Season 2 Episode 8 we have seen that, TASC found the private plane of Rebel’s. Moreover Dhriti killed Salman, when she try to escape, Sajid reached there. Will Sajid kill Dhriti? So how will Srikant manage all things together? To know more about the show read The Family Man Season 2 Ending Explanation In English (Episode 9). Moreover click here to check The Family Man Season 2 review.

The Family Man Season 2 Ending Explanation In English (Episode 9)

  • All local police is searching Salman and his friend adress.
  • Sub Inspector Sindhe’s one man told him about the adress of Salman. Then all team with Srikant, reach there.
  • Moreover at the right time Srikant save Dhriti’s life. But during the fire Sajid and the other guy died.
  • In the next scene Rebel’s, – Raji and Selva dismental the all parts of planes, and transfer it through the truck to another location.
  • But on the way in checkpoint, one officer, hold their truck, and start to search. Meanwhile Raji handle the situation, but near the roadside shop keeper see Raji and her team.
  • Rebels is planing to fly their plane from another location “Kicha-Farm”.


  • In the next scene JK.Talpade is laying unconsciously in roadside. Furthermore one man saw him, and he steal JK phone. As he switched on, the phone, TASC traced JK’s phone, and reached in that location.
  • Moreover they find JK, and take him hospital.
  • Bhaskaran who’s hiding in France, Deepan finally find his adress and arrive there with the police. Now Deepan is asking him what’s your plan? and convincing him to cooperate with us. But Bhaskaran didn’t help Deepan and he take cynide, and sucide himself.
  • In the next side Raji and her team is assembling the plane. When plane assembled, then they’re waiting for Pm-Basu meeting with Sri-Lankan President Rupatunga.
  • Srikant reached in Chennai, and join Muthu Pandeyan. Now they are finding Raji and her team. Where the roadside shopkeeper confirmed that Raji with some loaded truck, pass by the same checkpoint.
  • Srikant and Muthu is now confirm about the way, but now they needs the truck details. Finally the checkpoint officer give them Raji’s truck details.

To find the exact location, Srikant take help of Chellam. Where Chellam told him – Bhaskaran close friend property is near that checkpoint, the property name is Keecha-Farm. May be they’re planning to fly their plane from there.

Srikant Mission Successful.

  • Now Srikant with their full team reach in Keecha-Farm. After a long shoot, and firing, Srikant blast that explosive plane in the Air.
  • Finally the mission successful, in other side PM- meeting completed successfully.
  • After completion of mission, PM- awarded every TASC officer.

At the end, we see, in Kolkatta a chinese soldier is planning to execute the “Project Guan Yu”.

And The Family Man Season 2 Ends Here.

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