At the end of Episode 03 we have seen Harshad have many sources of money. Consequently now he is becoming a legend of stock market. Is it enough for Harshad? What Sucheta’s next step towards Harshad when she know Harshad is taking fund from bank? So therefore to know all about that read Scam 1992: The Harshad Mehta Story Season 01 Episode 04 Story Explanation.
Scam 1992: The Harshad Mehta Story Season 01 Episode 04 Story Explanation
”Harshad Mehta Is A Lier”
In the first scene of the episode Sucheta is meeting with Karamchand. Karamchand have all the secret’s about Harshad.
- Sucheta – Govt. changed, the prime-minister changed, everything changed, But the stock market remained stable. How? In the stock market – money is flowing into the market But no one cares where is all this money coming from?
- Karamchand – Harshad has the govt in his pocket. He makes one phone call, and his friends in Delhi instruct all govt institution to provide him with all the funds he wants.
- Sucheta – Do you have any proof for this?
- Karamchand – No. But i know it for sure.
In the next scene Sucheta are discussing with Debashish,
- Sucheta – Harshad portrays himself as the king of the market. So i am thinking i’ll approch the SEBI governor on this.
- Debashish – But SEBI is a non satutory body. They cant regulate the market.
- Sucheta – Yes. But they should know about these irregularities. They must have a way to take action.
”Harshad Get New Fund” Scam 1992: The Harshad Mehta Story Season 01 Episode 04 Story Explanation
Harshad received one courier.When he open the courier he saw someone has sold his shares at the time of settlement.. Now he again arrange funds. In the next scene Harshad meets with Sitaraman who is SBI employee.
- Sitaraman brought cheques of 500crore from SBI.
- Sitaraman – Sir ! When will i get SGL for it ?
- Harshad – Never. Who gives SGL these days. I’ll give you BRs. It’s only a matter of a few days.

- Furthermore RBI governer (S.Venkitaramanan) giving strictly instruction to some banks. So the dipartment officer tells to RBI governer some of the bank flouting rules. They are not taking us seriously. Specially SBI, how they are doing their securities transaction these days? Please do some open investigation.
- S.Venkitaramanan – We cant do any open investigation now. But i’ll talk to the SBI chairmen directly.

”Ashwin Get Angry”
- Ashwin tells to Harshad – Bhushan says we are buying Polo shares from everywhere? Are you using banking funds?
- Harshad – yes.
- Ashwin – Sit ! But how much? and from where?
- Harshad – It’s from SBI.
- Ashwin – But without BRs or securities you took 500crore from SBI. We will get trapped.
- After that Harshad tells to his brother stop being so negative please.
- In the next scene Bhushan tells to Harshad – Everyone is saying that you are rigging the price. They are asking for inquiry.
- Harshad – But who’s everyone?
- Bhushan – All the big players in the market. Manu bhai troops, & the enire bear gang, & if that wasn’t enough, the PMs investors too.
- Harshad – But i have doubled all their investments. Now they are tarnishing my name & reputation.
Next day Harshad print a news of his name ”Harshad Mehta is a lier”. The first line is only to grab attention It say below Harshad Mehta is a lier, because he earned much bigger profits for his investors than he promised.
The add dis wonders for him. Even if people thought Harshad was a liar, they didn’t care.All who invested in Harshad shares, made a profit. The way the value of shares like ACC, Polo, Mazada, was rising, no one could imagined it, Harshad was the new market guru.
- Next day Harshad invite Sucheta personally. He tells her- in the market , only they are important, who are of use to me. Harshad request to her please join us you have 20years of service left, if you get 20% increment every year then think how much will you earn. Please join me, i make people.
- Sucheta – yes off course ! you make people infact you make fools of them. Lets alone the country, then you dont even have the vision to run a corner store. You can dominate the market, only till such time that the sources of your funds are hidden. The day that sources become public your personal funds won’t last for even 20days.So please stop fooling people.
- Harshad – It was great meeting you. I wis i get a chance to give you an interview.
”Income Tax Raid”
- Harshad friend Jignesh call Harshad and tells him – Beware tomorrow at 8AM, the income tax will raid your home and offices.
- Harshad prepare his all team and start to hide or delete all details from computer. Now Harshad is ready to welcome income tax officers.
- Next day in the morning Mr Ramaswami – Mr.Mehta i have a search warrant for you.
- Harshad – Sure. Go ahead.
- Than income tax team tells to officers sir we have searched everything, Physical records, and file are very few, they say everything is saved in computers.
- Ramaswami – Then Seal the Accounts section.
- Harshad – I hope you find what you are looking for soon. Because you won’t be able to keep my office shut for long.
Scam 1992: The Harshad Mehta Story Season 01 Episode 04 Story
And the episode ends here.
- Scam 1992: Harshad Mehta story click on the link if you want to watch full video of this series.
- watch Asur all episode explanation in english.
- Mirzapur all episodes explanation in hindi.