At the end of Money Heist Season 3 Episode 7 we have seen that Rio is now inside the bank. But Alicia insert the microphone inside his body. So all robbers is now operating Rio to remove that microphone. Moreover police has found Professor and Raquel location, so they both are hiding somewhere saprately. To know more about the show read Money Heist Season 3 Ending Explanation (Episode 8) In English & Hindi. Moreover click here to check Money Heist Season 3 review.
“Money Heist Season 3 Ending Explanation (Episode 8) In English & Hindi”
- Professor is hiding in a tree and covered himself with the leaves, Moreover Raquel is hiding someone’s house.
- Professor is calling Palermo, where Palermo said to professor – Rio, had a microphone and a GPs beacon but everything was extracted. I isolate the chips in a little box, tuned to the sweet sounds of sleep.
- Then Professor tells to “palermo” it’s time to activate the “Alcatraz plan” now, as soon as possible.
“Alcatraz Plan” –
- Now story turn in flashback during the time training of robbers. Where Professor and Rquel is explaining the “plan Alcatraz”. Professor is saying – When I and Raquel see ourselves in a critical situation, we’ll need the biggest possible distraction tactic. The objective is that the police will need to look in two places at the same time.
- Now the robbers is activating the plan Alcatraz. In the next scene the intelligence dpt find the seismic sensors indicate movements. They are suspective robbers are digging with industrial machinery.
- Now the robbers are using this microphone to distract cops, they are taking that microphones there, where they are producing tactic. The cops are thinking they are digging the hole. Meanwhile Helsinki and Rio is intentionally saying we found the tunnel. Now they are acting like they are escaping from the tunnel and then they left a rat in a pipe and robbers turn on the GPs.
- Outside Colonel and Alicia is looking in trouble. Now cops are seeing the Gps location, which is going underground and moving outside somewhere. Then they all confirmed robbers is making a plan to running from there. So he arranges all undergrounded engineer and send their all forces and cops team underground pannel. Meanwhile robbers turned off the GPs location.
Now the cops who was following professor and Raquel get order from Colonel and left the place.
- In the next side where Raquel is hiding the home owner seen her and point the gun on Raquel. Because the intelligence dpt are offering ten millions euros as a reward, who will find them. Now Raquel is manupilating them and offering 15millions euros.
- In the next side when Colonel and Alicia know that robbers distracted them and it was a trap. So Alicia decide to take an action. Now Alicia go outside the bank and put there a teddy bear. When robbers take that bear inside the bank with the help of hostages. They find a cell phone inside the bear.
- This is one trap of Alicia to make sad Nairobi because this is the bear of Nairobi’s son. Then Alicia call Nairobi and make her emotional and ask her to meet with her baby Axel. When Nairobi comes in bank window to saw her baby then Alicia ordered one force to shoot her. Then the gun shooted in her chest.
- In the next side the cops reached again in that place where professor and Raquel. Meanwhile the police reached in that house where Raquel is, and shoot the gun. Professor thought they fired a gun on Raquel. So he gives an order to “Palermo” take it a war and attacked on the force.
- So when the force try to come in, then robbers fired a machine bomb on them.
- Now Raquel is under arrest, Nairobi die, and professor is thinking cops shoot the gun on Raquel.
Money Heist Season 3 Ending Explanation (Episode 8) In English & Hindi
And The Season 3 ends Here.
- Moreover here you can check Money Heist Season 1 explanation.
- Check Money Heist Season 2 Explanation in hindi and english.