Special Ops is an Indian web-series released over Hotstar. Moreover It follows the story of a chief analyst in RAW, Himmat Singh role is played by Kay Kay Menon. The story moves jarringly between past and present. To know more about the show read Special Ops Season 1 Episode 1 Story Explanation In English. Furthermore here you can check An Official Explanation Of Special Ops Web-Series Starcast & Important Role Of Theirs. Moreover click here to check Special Ops review.
“Special Ops Season 1 Episode 1 Story Explanation In English”
Episode start from the story of 2001, five terrorists attacked on parliament of India. After that they all died in encounter.
- Now story turns in present day 2019, where Himmat Singh member of RAW (Research and Analysis Wing). Moreover Himmat Singh attends the RAW audit meeting to explain “miscellaneous” expenses of 28 crores incurred in the last 11 years.
- Naresh Chadda & D.K.Banarjee is investigating the enquiry of “Himmat Singh case’ where he spent 28 crore of secret fund from the last eleven years.
- Naresh Chadda is asking – Every column of your report has a miscellaneous expenditure, please explain?
- Then Himmat Singh reply – I’ve been working at the Middle- East desk for almost 12 years. So in this duration, I’ve planted and cultivated my agents in different countries of the Middle-East. Moreover these agents are tasked with giving us intelligence inputs from time to time. So I need to spend money to manage these agents sir.
- Now Naresh Chadaa is asking – Istanbul, Tehran, Kuwait , Bahrain. Kabul, Azerbaijan, Karachi, Islamabad, Dhaka, Colombo, UAE, and Syria. You sent your money all these country so let me explain one by one from whom you were giving this money.
- Himmat Singh tells sorry sir! I can’t share anything about my agents. My agents, are non transferable, they only work for me. After I leave their work will be over and this is our deal.
- Now D.K.Banarjee ask to Himmat – In the 2001 parliament house attack, I heard that your theory was different from others during that investigation? What was the theory?
Now story turn in 2001 –
- Where Himmat Singh was investigating the case of terrorist attack in parliament house. Abbas Sheikh from Delhi police, is helping Himmat Singh to investigate the case.
- Before a day of attack one of the terrorist bought 15 to 18kg dry fruits. So Abbas Sheikh go in shopkeeper’s house to identify the face of that terrorist, who bought. But shopkeeper is denying he didn’t seen any one of them. But one man from Rawalpindi Pakistan, he bought those dry fruits. He came to my shop in Pappu auto and left in it.
Now Delhi police arrest Pappu Auto man, and asking him about that man. He’s replying – Sir I had met him first as any other passenger. I met him on the 12th for the last time, when he bought the dry fruits, and I picked him from Fatehpuri Chowk.
Now all Delhi -Police is helping Himmat Singh to find that man in Fatehpuri chowk. When Himmat found his room, meanwhile he escaped after burning his passport.
Now Story Turn In Present –
- Himmat Singh is narroting his story in front of investigation enquiry member. Even after 19 year Himmat Singh have been looking for that sixth person and for that he’s using the goverment’s secret service funds. Meanwhile his one day enquiry session time ended and he goes home.
- In the next scene Farooq (Agent of Himmat Singh) call him and tells him- Sir I have found Ikhlaq Khan.
And The Episode Ends Here.
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